Tuesday, 29 May 2018

What the Kids Wore // Nununu

Ed and I met at a rock music festival and we seem to have passed on the love of music, metal and dancing to the children.  Archie asks for heavy metal as soon as we get in the car and Finn and Cora will dance to just about anything.  I love Nununu clothing as it reminds me of Ed and I when we first met.  Their summer range is fun, playful, minimalist and perfect to rock out in.

I took these photos on the way to the beach earlier in the week and they make me think of what is to come in the teenage years.  Cora's potential boyfriends or girlfriends will have three big brothers to convince and I think they are going to be pretty protective of her!  They already call her their princess (A term I really don't like and never use) and this black dress is the perfect princess dress for this little fierce girl of mine.  The inside is soft and comfortable and the netting makes it super fun and girly.

Nununu summer, black clothing for kids, punk rock princess, themummyadventure.com

Archie is a big fan of having his letter on a t-shirt and this vest is perfect for the summer and with a big A on the front, you can't go wrong! The shorts are comfy and cool and will be perfect for protecting his knees if he learns to skateboard this summer (He is desperate to learn)

Nununu summer, black clothing for kids, punk rock princess, themummyadventure.com

And Finn's long shorts remind me so much of the boys in my teenage years.  They have a slightly distressed look and I think he looks awesome in them! I tried to convince the boys to stand the other way round in the photos so it read A to Z but these children know their own mind and were having none of it! I love the way they came out though, these determined little individuals, full of character and rocking their Nununu clothes.

Nununu summer, black clothing for kids, punk rock princess, themummyadventure.com

Nununu summer, black clothing for kids, punk rock princess, themummyadventure.com

Nununu summer, black clothing for kids, punk rock princess, themummyadventure.com

Finn Wears 3-4 (his normal size), Archie is in 4-5 (he is usually in 5-6) and Cora is in 12-18 months (her usual size) and we find this dress quite slim fitting.  I find their sizing pretty true and their clothes are really hardwearing. We already have a lot of Nununu in their wardrobes and love how well it wears and how versatile it is.

Nununu summer, black clothing for kids, punk rock princess, themummyadventure.com

Nununu summer, black clothing for kids, punk rock princess, themummyadventure.com

You can see more on the Nununu website.  These clothes were gifted to us in exchange for this blog post but all thoughts and opinions are completely my own.

Nununu summer, black clothing for kids, punk rock princess, themummyadventure.com


  1. Oh my WORD, they look tremendous! What bloody cool outfits!

  2. Love the clothes! Great post!


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