Saturday, 13 August 2016

Share Your Outdoors

My memories of childhood involve building sandcastles on the beach, swimming in the sea, climbing trees, rolling down grassy slopes and being outdoors.  My childhood was before the days of laptops and tablets, when kids TV was only on for a short while each day and when playing 'out' on the street was the normal.

My children are growing up in a different time - technology is everywhere, staying indoors is becoming more fun and too many things are considered too dangerous for them.  We still love getting out though, exploring our environment, discovering nature in all its glory.

This is what our outdoors looks like . . .

Being outdoors means fresh air, dirty fingernails, scuffed knees, windswept hair, worn out children, blue skies and feeling good.  Our go-to spot is always the beach - it is only a short walk from our house and the possibilities are endless.  We never get fed up of going, we never get bored and there is something so healing about watching the tide

We have a harbour down at our local beach and it is the perfect spot to sit and watch.  The water lies more still, the boats all line up and there is so much to take in.  We sit outside and eat our ice cream discussing which boat we would like and why and we love to watch the world go by.

There is nothing quite like the freedom of exploring the woods - there are insects to discover, log piles to navigate and trees to climb on.  There is always something new to discover and their imaginations run wild.

The Aspinall Foundation are asking bloggers to #ShareYourOutdoors for a chance to win some amazing prizes and I nominate Victoria (VeViVos), Hayley (Sparkles and Stretchmarks ), Sushi (Beach, Walk, Muse), Kara (innocent Charms Chats) and Jennie (Edspire) to take part.  You can win an overnight stay at Pinewood Shepherds Hut including dinner and breakfast!

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you. Nothing is fun as outdoor games. Growing up when play was outside with less video games, i can relate well. Thanks for sharing ����


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