Monday, 16 November 2015

No Big Adventure

After all the fun and change and travel that September and October saw, November is looking a lot less adventurous.  Four trips away, the beginning of school and the change to full time, the leaves falling as Autumn begins, the adventures were then.  November is a month of quiet for us (although life with three children is never all that quiet).  There are more days where we do very little, days where our biggest outing is a walk through the park after the school run.  Noses are running, chests are producing coughs and small people are feeling tired from it all.

We are a family who won't let rain or wind put us off enjoying the outdoors, but we are a family who need some time together after all the changes.  Five days apart feels like a lifetime when you are four and two and my big boys need time to reconnect at the weekend.  They need to be pirates, or ninja turtles, or school teachers or mummys and play the way they love to.  They need to cuddle and fight and wind each other up and forgive the way only siblings can.  This has shaped our month more than anything as we respect the bond they have and what they need for it to continue.

November is the month my little sister and the boys' Aunty Nat Nat is around after a long summer away and an upcoming winter season in France.  They love having her around, even though most of the time we aren't doing anything exciting at all.  She is a different face to play dominos with, or to tell all about their day at school.  She is a different lap for cuddles at the end of a long day when some quiet time and TV are about all they can cope with.

This past weekend, our biggest adventure was washing the car.  We drove over to Nanny's as there is off-road parking, dressed the boys in their rain gear and let them loose with a bucket and some sponges.  It really doesn't sound exciting to me, but when you are four and two, anything can be an adventure and they loved getting stuck in. They were both sent a pair of Goretex boots which were perfect as they are completely waterproof whilst still being breathable and they did the job of wellies without us having to pack extra into the boot.

More adventures are coming and Christmas is next month but for now our week is quiet, full of cuddles on the sofa, connect 4, sharing books and kicking leaves in the park whilst these boys recover.

These viking boots go with most of their wardrobe and are so practical for little boys who love to run and jump and splash and explore.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes it't the nothing special that's the most wonderful of all don't you think? A little down time to relax and get into the groove for Christmas. Love the boys boots and looks like they had lots of fun washing the car. x


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