Saturday, 31 January 2015

Me and Mine January

This is our second year joining in with the Me and Mine project and looking back at last year, watching our baby become a toddler and our toddler a little boy, I can't wait to document the further changes as our four becomes a five.  I am not due until March and I have a feeling our little guy is pretty comfy where he is, but I become full term during February, so January is the last month I can definitely say we are a family of four.

January has flown by, with the post-Christmas haze, Archie starting nursery one day a week and me growing at quite a considerable rate.  Our weekends have been mostly lazy and we have found ourselves back in a rhythm, but the cold weather has not kept us at home.  We have had quite a mild winter so far, and we are yet to see snow, so we headed out to the park with a friend earlier in the month to capture our family exactly as we are now - funny faces and all.

This month, Mummy is loving the fact that creme eggs are everywhere she looks, having lots of long baths, shopping for little baby clothes and three way naps on the sofa in the afternoon.

The bloke is loving fresh lattes with home steamed milk, the odd conversations he has with Dylan, having the heating on and lazy Sundays.

Dylan is loving his new pirate bedroom, Cars and Cars 2, painting and 'doing art' and hunting for Gruffalos in the woods.

Archie is loving going to nursery, splashing in puddles, using a potty and sharing a room with Dylan.

It seems nobody likes smiling at a camera any more, and the moment one comes out, Dylan immediately puts his fingers in his mouth to pull funny faces, with Archie not far behind, but this is us, the crazy bunch I call my family.


  1. Can't wait to see you become a five. So exciting. And I love the silly face! Lovely picture x

  2. Ha the funny faces are awesome, where did you take these photos looks like a great place to explore. Exciting year for you all look forward to the transition from 4 / 5 x

    1. It is Crispe Park so not far from you! We went Gruffalo hunting

  3. I love all the funny faces and silliness going on here. You are such a fun family Bex. The one of the boys on the log and you both staring down and hold ing your bump is gorgeous. I can't wait for you to be a family of five soon and your beautiful me and mine family photos grow! :) #meandmine

  4. Great photos, I look forward to seeing your family grow to 5 this year. Ps. Their matching jackets are super cool ;-) xxx

    1. Thank you! I didn't intend to dress them as matching but they insisted

  5. These are really lovely photos! I especially love the bottom one where you're all pulling faces x

  6. Some lovely pics here. Such a beautiful setting too xx

  7. Beautiful photos, Bex! And oh, your beautiful bump - you do pregnancy so well! I love all of these pics so much and can't wait to see you become a family of five.

    1. Eek! I know he will stay put for ages now but by the end of March we will be a 5!

  8. Aww such lovely photos and bump is in them too! :) Can't wait to see you go from a four to a five! xx

  9. Such lovely photos and so exciting for you to see your family grow from 4 to 5! I've really enjoyed watching my boys grow over the last year — since I've been taking our 'Me and Mine' pics — it must be weird to watch yourself growing as the months roll on!! X

    1. It is strange! Hopefully I will start shrinking again soon

  10. I love your photographs Bex, such a fun family. Looking forward to seeing four become five xx

  11. These photos are beautiful, I love the boys semi matching clothes and you have the most gorgeous bump! Cannot wait until there's a pic with your three boys in it! x

  12. Awww lovely photos!!! So much fun! How exciting, I cant wait to see if baby appears in next months never know! ;) xx

  13. You are glowing! So slim with a lovely big bump too.
    I'm looking forward to serif your new arrival x

  14. You look amazing - I have serious bump envy. These are really lovely photo's xx #meandmine

  15. I can't wait to see next month's photo!

  16. Awww, I absolutely love these Becky. Such a cute little photoshoot of you all exploring, and I love the silly face one... really made me laugh. Thanks so much for linking up with Me and Mine for another year, it's going to be a big one for you. ;) x

  17. Aww I love the funny faces - there definitely seems to be a moment where they turn the smiles off and it's silly faces all the way! And it's so exciting to see your maybe last picture as a four - there's something very special about the last one as a four and then the first one as a five!

  18. Love the funny faces! I had my first creme egg, yesterday yummy!

  19. I love these Bex! You have such gorgeous boys, I can't believe how Archie has grown up and I love their little rocker hair do's! You are a lucky lady to be surrounded by such handsome ones! xx


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