Sunday, 4 January 2015

29 Weeks Pregnant

I am most certainly in the third trimester and I am starting to feel it now.  Whilst compared to most, this pregnancy is still pretty plain sailing, having two toddlers at home means that the vital rest I need just isn't happening.  I can feel the strain on my body if I overdo it, and with Dylan having had a bad week and weighing rather more than he did last time I was pregnant, I have found myself struggling to lift him, and feeling it all the next day if I do.

There are points in each day where I feel invincible, and I think I have finally got the energy back, but by 2pm, I am ready to curl up for a nap and there is no sound more welcome than the bloke's key in the door at the end of the day.  Generally I am not too bad, and I am thankful that the boys have a nice nap together in the afternoon so I get a chance to have a little snooze or at least put my feet up.

29 weeks, 29 weeks Pregnant, big bump, third baby
Forgot to take the picture so this was an emergency snap outside Tesco!

Bump appears to be growing again and I am asked several times per day whether I think he will be here for Christmas (I hope not!!).  Most of my maternity tops are no longer reaching my jeans, and I think by the next update I will be living in dresses and leggings! I still love my maternity jeans, but by 7pm you can usually find me in some comfy pj bottoms as they are much easier to lounge in. Although bump is measuring big, they aren't concerned, and I won't see the midwife again until 34 weeks now.  

This fortnight has been all about the cheese, and seeing the Christmas varieties is only fuelling the craving.  I have been eating balls of mozzarella straight from the packet, and getting through plenty of the baking camemberts with a crusty bread to dip.  Cream cheese on crackers and blocks of cheddar as a snack and I am wondering why I make big babies?! 

As for being prepared, we are no further really than we were 20 weeks ago.  The baby's nursery is currently a dumping ground, we need to buy furniture, a crib, a carrycot for the buggy, a new outfit for Pretzel to wear home and all the other practical things that babies need.  I did get my new sling today though, a Papoozle, and I can't wait to snuggle up with my baby.

We are no closer to choosing a name and I think much like our little Squish, this baby may be born as Pretzel (and stay that way until we are forced to make a decision).  I hope that once Christmas is out the way and we begin 2015 we start getting ready for the arrival of our little boy.

(This post was written at 29 weeks but with Christmas and everything else, posting it seemed to get missed!)


  1. Your bump is adorable! I think you definitely deserve comfy pj's! In my 3rd trimester I wanted to stay in them all day! x

    1. I definitely do! At what point can I do the preschool run in them without judgement?

  2. Aww I bet it's been hard. I'm only 16 weeks (tomorrow) but I find it hard to pick Ethan up too and the tiredness makes it so hard to give him my full attention. But you haven't got long left and it will all have been SO worth it :) xx

    1. I think it doesn't help that I have such chunky children too!

  3. Ah leggings are definitely the way to go! your bump looks fantastic and clearly pretzel is growing lots of nice strong bones on all that calcium (ah how I miss cheese!)!

  4. I know how you feel with picking the toddler up, it's hard enough with one but I cant imagine two haha! Your bump is amazing! This pregnancy seems to be flying by! xx

    1. It is going too quickly, as is yours! Must be only days left for you now

  5. Dresses and leggings are definitely the way to go. I've been wearing my jeans right up until the last gasp but it's not the same and at 39 weeks now they're really getting uncomfy and on my nerves. You're looking fab though and totally all bump. I've started putting the weight/ water on my face and feel like a heffalump :( Can't wait to read the next update xx

    1. Your next update should be a baby! That is exciting

  6. You're looking amazing, i wouldn't worry about measuring big for your dates.

  7. Awww how exciting!!! I hope you get a name chosen, but no harm in taking a while! I`m with you on the maternity tops, I`ve noticed lately mine arent reaching the jeans either and I`m only 26 weeks! eeeek! xxx

    1. I like to think they don't make them long enough, but the size of my tummy may have something to do with it too!

  8. You're looking so good! We were measuring on the large side at our last check up, my next appointment is on Wednesday so it will be interested to see where we are.

    I've just linked up at the bottom, please tell me if I have done something wrong as this is unknown territory to me!

    Leanne - A Slice of My Life

    1. Thanks for linking up, hope your appointment goes well! I have another in a couple of weeks

  9. Is it just me or is your pregnancy WHIZZING by?! Beautiful bump lovely x

  10. I love your bump!! So cute! I loved wearing dresses and leggins during pregnancy, much comfier to wear :)

  11. I'm not quite at the stage where my tops don't meet my trousers, but then they are mostly long tunic type ones so I really hope that they would meet my waist band!
    Yay for cheese, and i'm sure all the nursery bits will get themselves sorted by the time he arrives!

  12. Wow that is some bump, you are looking fab! It is really tiring when you have others to look after isn't it, I'm really struggling finding the energy to do the afternoon school run! I am glad we are not the only ones who aren't organised this time around!


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