Sunday, 7 February 2021

The Ordinary Moments // A Snow Day

It isn't really all that ordinary for us to get snow.  We live on the Kent coast and I don't know if it is something about the salt in the air, our location or the fact our area seems to have its own little microclimate, but we see snow only every few years down here.  When I saw it was forecast for today I was reluctant to believe it, thinking we would get the usual rain whilst the rest of the country was covered in snow, but I was woken up to the sound of children squealing in delight as they opened the curtain with the same excitement of Christmas morning. 

We layered up in our winter warmest, put on snow boots, mittens and hats and headed to the park with a sledge we borrowed.  The snow was still falling and it was the coldest weather we have had all winter but it was glorious to have something different.  In a winter that has felt so monotonous, having something new and novel is exactly what we all needed.  Groundhog day paused for a while whilst we ventured out into the white world and threw snowballs at each other, built tiny snowmen that barely reached Cora's knees and left footprints that stayed behind us.  

We are exhausted after the excitement of something different, the children have rosy cheeks and don't seem able to fill their bellies up and I am desperately hoping it all transfers into a good night's sleep!

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