Saturday, 26 January 2019

A Day in the Life on a Family Ski Holiday

When I asked a few friends what they would most like to know about going on a family ski holiday, the most common answer was what the average day looked like.  How did we balance skiing and being with the children, how did we make the holiday fun for all of us? So on the Friday of our trip, I decided to record snippets of video from our day to show you what an average day on a Snowbizz ski holiday looks like.

It isn't perfect, but hopefully it gives you an insight into our trip! I have also recorded below how the day went if you are curious!

Sometimes between 7 and 8am the children wake up, too tired to really be awake and too awake to go back to sleep.  The creche lends out DVDs and we have borrowed a few so they can have some quiet time on the sofa before the day really starts.

8.30 I pop to the bakery to grab some fresh croissants and pain au chocolats and we get everyone dressed into their layers.

9.00 Finn, Cora and I head over to the creche.  They run all the way and go in asking for puzzles / dress up / train tracks or whatever they fancy that day

snowbizz, family ski holiday, family travel blog

9.30 I take the big boys downstairs to the Snowbizz lounge where they get their ski boots and helmets off and go outside to play in the snow

9.45 Ed and I are free until 1pm to do as we like.  We usually ski for most of this but sometimes we have a lazy hour first or go and watch Finn's lesson which is 10-11am.  The big boys ski from 11 -1 and we sometimes bump into them on the slopes

snowbizz, family ski holiday, family travel blog

1.00 We collect the children from their various clubs and on this Friday we took them up on the 4 man lift to the lovely restaurant at the top which you can't access any other way.  The snow up there is deeper and less trodden so we go away from the runs after lunch to play in it.

3.00 Four of us got the lift back down but Ed and Archie stayed out for a bit more skiing.  At the bottom the children asked to have a little time in the creche rather than sledging as they wanted to do some art, so I dropped them in and had an hour or so for myself to just chill out.

snowbizz, family ski holiday, family travel blog

5.00 Friday was awards night so we gathered to receive certificates and see everyone together.  Dylan, Archie and Finn got their skiing awards and Finn and Cora won creche awards for being two peas in a pod.

5.30 Everyone is exhausted so I pop to the shop for fresh bread and cheese and we have an easy dinner and a little bit of a film as quiet time.

7.00 It was Disco night for kids club (available for children 4 years upwards) and they are letting Finn go as he is so close to four, so I drop all 3 boys downstairs (It is in the same building as our apartment so nice and easy).  Cora has a bath and goes to bed.

9.00 It is time to collect the boys, have a story and get them in bed as they are all shattered! I would love to say that we enjoy some apres-ski but the truth is we are as exhausted as them and are not up for much longer ourselves!

snowbizz, family ski holiday, family travel blog

Saturday - repeat!

Our days out there are busy, full of fresh mountain air, time in the snow and a mix of time together as well as time apart.  We each get so much from our trip and the children are loving watching our little video and remembering everything!

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