Sunday, 15 April 2018

What the Kids Wore // Outfit Kids

It feels like we have been waiting for Spring for so long but it seems to have finally arrived and I am loving being able to send the children out into the garden every day.  We moved last summer to a house with a much bigger garden and whilst it still needs a lot of work to make it the space I would like it to be, it is full of potential and the children love playing in it.

We were sent a couple of outfits from Outfit kids and I took a few snaps whilst Finn and Cora were playing in them earlier this week.  Finn looks so grown up in his jogger jeans, speckled red t-shirt and hoody and I love Cora's oversized jumper and leggings.  She is actually wearing a size larger than she usually does as the collection starts at 18-24 months but I love the jumper a bit bigger.  I find everything quite true to size in the items we chose.

I am hoping to collect a few more outdoor toys to help spark their imaginations and keep them outdoors for longer but at the moment a football, a lawnmower and a slide entertain them for quite a while and they love racing on their bikes although Cora hasn't quite worked it out and tends to pick it up and stand to get anywhere.

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