Friday, 26 January 2018

What About Us // Heart Radio

What about us? Ed and I were only together 3 months before I fell pregnant with Dylan and 7 years and 4 children later, our life revolves around those four small people that call us Mummy and Daddy. When we were challenged by Heart to take on a mood boosting activity inspired by a feel good song as part of the #HeartFeelGoodChallenge, Ed and I decided to make more time for us, specifically with a proper ‘date’ inspired by Pink’s ‘What About Us’.

I listen to Heart as I cook and Pink’s ‘What About Us’ is one of my favourite songs to dance around the kitchen to (and sing along to badly as well) and as the familiar song came on again, I started thinking of different ways to look after myself and different things that Ed and I could do together rather than our classic meal out date night.

And we ended up settling on a couples’ massage and spa day - something we would never have even thought of before, but in the middle of the sleep deprivation (thanks Cora), the school runs, the cooking and cleaning for a big family it seems exactly what we both need - some pampering for us and something to do together.

Getting childcare wasn’t easy (it never is when you have four small ones) but it was worth juggling things to get some time together. We were massaged, we lay on the heated seats in the relaxation room and we enjoyed these moments of calm and quiet together in the middle of a busy week. We talked without small voices interrupting us, without the distractions of technology and we reconnected as a couple. There was a swimming pool and a sauna, there was a cafe so we could enjoy a meal together without having to share with a toddler and it was exactly what we needed.

One day our children will grow up and move out and so it is really important to nurture our relationship now so we are still strong when that day comes.

We are hoping to come up with some different ideas to do something each month with no children and this feels like the best start. I love how music can make us feel so inspired, not just to get off the sofa and have a boogie around the house, but to try new things and have fun too. Heart plays the songs from the 90s and 00s that I grew up with and the biggest feel good hits that I can’t help but sing along to. The uplifting music always brightens my mood and inspires me and I am hoping to get some inspiration for next month’s date - maybe Lady Gaga can convince us to ‘Just Dance’ at a dance class or we could follow Pink’s advice again and ‘Raise a Glass’ at a cocktail bar?

Get some inspiration and turn up the feel good by listening to Heart

This post is in collaboration with Heart Radio

1 comment:

  1. I love that you did this. It sometimes just feels too busy to think about yourselves as a coupe, but it's so important!


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