Tuesday, 26 January 2021

The Ordinary Moments // Hot Chocolate at the Beach

It is hard to find things to look forward to when we just can't plan ahead but I have found with the introduction of isolation schooling, I look forward to the weekends like never before.  Two whole days without battles around expanded noun phrases and subordinate clauses are treasured.  We don't get out much during the week with everything else that needs to be done, but every weekend involves a good walk down to the seafront, a run around on the sand, a game of balance on the wall and a hot chocolate to warm up chilly hands.

We bought the giant insulated bottle with some Christmas money and when I remember I bring a can of squirty cream and marshmallows as well, recreating the sweet treat we would usually grab in a cafe on a winter day out.  It is the kind of walk that wouldn't be so special if it weren't for a global pandemic turning it into the only thing we can do, and this ordinary moment becomes one of the things that gets me through the hard days.  This time together with no pressure, no time restraints, nothing else we should be doing is one of the only good things to come out of lockdown.  

I love the idea of sharing an 'ordinary moment' each week, but it seems to be something I flit in and out of, probably writing these posts when I need to see the positivity and the beauty in the every day the most.

ordinary moments, hot chocolate at the beach

ordinary moments, hot chocolate at the beach

ordinary moments, hot chocolate at the beach

ordinary moments, hot chocolate at the beach

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