Thursday, 3 December 2020

All in Onesies - Giveaway

My children shed their clothes like a snake shedding its skin as they walk in the front door from school.  Comfort is key and they don't want to wear their uniform any longer than they have to.  We were recently offered the opportunity to let them design their own onesies with The All-in-One Company and they couldn't have been more excited to create their dream loungewear.  

All in one company, custom made onesies

Onesies get used a lot in our house, as well as lazy days at home when nobody wants a waistband, we take them along to swimming lessons (let's be honest, nobody wants to wrestle a child back into leggings in a small changing room) and they are camping essentials, popped over pjs for early mornings and evenings.  The process of designing them on The All-in-One Company website is easy to understand and very visual for the children.  As they are choosing a fabric for a panel they can click and see how things look together, changing their minds as often as they like.  We were originally going to go for towelling material but my children are all very focused on sensory and wanted to go for the super soft fleece and it is the softest, snuggliest fabric.

All in one company, custom made onesies

There is a handy size guide on the website and all four were coming to the top end of one size range so we sized up to get extra wear.  They all love them slightly oversized and I know they will fit for ages! They were most excited when it came to designing the hoods as there was an option for rainbow fur and they all picked fur hoods.  Finn has fluffy lion ears and Cora went for pug ears on hers.  Three of them went for side zipped pockets and ribbed cuffs but one chose front pockets and thumb hole fabric cuffs.  

I love the way their individuality comes through, but without even realising, they had all picked the same colour for the front right panel so they look like a little tribe.  They had so much fun designing these and have looked so snuggly in them, that Ed and I decided to order our own as Christmas gifts to each other this year and got the kids to help design them! I cannot wait to see our creations in real life!

All in one company, custom made onesies

The All-in-One Company are offering a £100 voucher to giveaway so you can design your own onesie and I can't wait to see what the winner chooses! Enter via the methods below. 

All in one company, custom made onesies

All in one company, custom made onesies

All in one company, custom made onesies

All in one company, custom made onesies

The sizing chart on the website is a great tool, but for reference, Cora is 4 years old, 99cm and wearing 5-6, Finn is 118cm, 5 years old and wearing 7-8, Archie is 132cm, 7 years old and wearing 9-10 and Dylan is 9 years old, 148cm tall and wearing age 13-14.  All of them have plenty of growing space as I expected but they work ok with the ribbed cuffs on the legs and arms.


  1. I love the idea of kids being able to design their own onsie. My two girls asked me to get them a dragon onsie for Christmas, which was nearly impossible to find, but I think they would have loved designing their own so much more! Not only it would keep them engaged and entertained but the end result would be one of a kind. I can see from the pictures that all your beautiful kids enjoyed every step of the way and that is priceless :)


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