Saturday, 29 August 2020

Days Out in Kent - A Pokemon Trail

My friend has a woodland near her house that she often walks her dogs in and over lockdown, she found someone had made a trail through the woods for kids to follow.  In a time where our options were limited, finding something fun, free and naturally away from others was always a win and recently she made her own trail through the same woods with an A-Z of Pokemon.

I met up with her to take the kids on a hunt and she made special sheets for them to tick off all the Pokemon they found.  For the older ones just writing the first letter is perfect too as they can practice writing down what they have found.  She laminated her Pokemon and attached them securely to trees and on the back of each Pokemon you can find the name of it too.

I love how simple this is and my children had so much fun running through the trees finding the hidden creatures.  There is no reason why we can't make our own in the future (another reason to buy a laminator!).  I shared on Instagram stories the trail that we have followed and had so many responses, that I decided to pop it in a blog post so that I could share the printable and the directions for anyone local who may want to follow the trail.

Instructions to get there:

There's space to park on Candler's Way, Chartham, CT4 7TU. Go through the field with the zip line. Exit the field at the top left corner, walk past Cobbs Meadow RDA and turn left into the woods. Follow the path into the woods. There is a loop to your right which is where the trail is set out. The Pokemon A-Z poster lets you know you have found the start.

Save Me and Print Me

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