Tuesday, 27 March 2018

What the Kids Wore // Frugi

One of the challenges of Dylan getting bigger is finding clothes for him.  The high street choices become so grown up and we both love more playful and comfortable styles for him.  I have written before about how I love Frugi for older boys and this season we were allowed to choose an outfit for each of the children from their stunning Globetrotter collection.   We stayed in a beautiful hotel at the weekend and I took some photos of the children playing around before our day out.  Their cheeky faces match the clothes perfectly!

Frugi organic kids clothes, Frugi globetrotter collection, themummyadventure.com

There were so many beautiful designs and I am so happy with what I chose.  Dylan has a shark surf t-shirt and joggers with a fun pirate and fish skeleton print.  The outfit is colourful and perfect for his age. The organic clothes are soft, stretchy and suitable for everything a six year old wants to do.  Dylan is 128cm tall and wearing age 7-8 years.

Frugi organic kids clothes, Frugi globetrotter collection, themummyadventure.com

Frugi organic kids clothes, Frugi globetrotter collection, themummyadventure.com

Frugi organic kids clothes, Frugi globetrotter collection, themummyadventure.com

Archie has an amazing Motorbike t-shirt but due to a broken collar bone he can only wear button up shirts so he is just wearing the joggers here.  The boys love matching so we went for the same style and they go with everything as well as being comfy and easy for him to get on and off, even with one hand.  Archie is about 109cm and he is in age 5-6 years.

Frugi organic kids clothes, Frugi globetrotter collection, themummyadventure.com

Frugi organic kids clothes, Frugi globetrotter collection, themummyadventure.com

Frugi organic kids clothes, Frugi globetrotter collection, themummyadventure.com

I got Finn the same joggers as his brothers and I am amazed at how well they fit all three children despite the fact they have very different figures as Archie is very slim and Finn is wider and still wears a nappy.  Finn's t-shirt is a gorgeous bright colour and has a little tail coming up the back too.  Finn is around 95cm and wears age 3-4 years.

Frugi organic kids clothes, Frugi globetrotter collection, themummyadventure.com

Frugi organic kids clothes, Frugi globetrotter collection, themummyadventure.com

Frugi organic kids clothes, Frugi globetrotter collection, themummyadventure.com

I chose Cora a beautiful summer dress with a snail on the front and we teamed it with some turqouise leggings and a rainbow stripe cardigan all from the new collection.  The dress will be perfect in the summer on its own but it works so well layered for the spring as well.  The whole outfit is fun and playful and I think it looks gorgeous together! Cora is 79cm tall and wears age 12-18 months.

Frugi organic kids clothes, Frugi globetrotter collection, themummyadventure.com

Frugi organic kids clothes, Frugi globetrotter collection, themummyadventure.com

The new collection is all organic and designed for active kids.  One of my favourite things about Frugi is how well it caters for all ages and I think these outfits suit a little toddler as much as they suit a six year old boy.

Frugi organic kids clothes, Frugi globetrotter collection, themummyadventure.com

Frugi organic kids clothes, Frugi globetrotter collection, themummyadventure.com

Thank you to Frugi for the gorgeous outfits!

Frugi organic kids clothes, Frugi globetrotter collection, themummyadventure.com

Frugi organic kids clothes, Frugi globetrotter collection, themummyadventure.com

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