Thursday, 22 February 2018

Creating a Child Friendly Bathroom

I have decided it is time to make adjustments to the family bathroom to ensure it is safe for the children to use alone. Although I would really like to fully redecorate the room unfortunately we are too busy for the room to be out of action so I will be focusing on what I think is the most important part to change, which is the shower.

The current shower in the family bathroom is prone to being freezing then boiling as soon as I turn the notch what feels like 1mm. I know part of the reason for this is because of my impatience whist waiting for the boiler to work. I was still keen to buy a shower with a temperature block so the water would never come out too hot for the children.

Knowing that I did not want to spend an absolute fortune on a new shower mixer but wanted to buy high quality products led me to search for highly esteemed brands such as Grohe and Hansgrohe. The main reason for this is because they have automatic temperature locks that prevent the temperature ever exceeding 38 degrees. Meaning the kids can use the shower safely without risking burning themselves with really hot water.

Another great way of creating a bathroom space that the kids will take more pride in using and looking after is by assigning each child a named towel hook. I have found that by having their own personally named place to hang their towels after use they are more willing to return their towel on the hook and not the bathroom floor or in the bedroom. I think this is due to the personal touch giving them a sense of responsibility early on.

I would love to hear your tips on how you have created a family friendly space in the bathroom.

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