Friday 29 December 2017

Cora at 18 Months

On the 27th of December, my baby girl turned 18 months.  It is a funny milestone for me as I really need to admit that Cora is definitely a toddler, but that means no more babies.  When Dylan and Finn were 18 months, they had tiny siblings already and I was three months pregnant when Archie hit this milestone.  Cora is the final baby though and she is growing up so fast.

At 18 months she isn't much of a speaker, but she has a few important words mastered including cheese, shoes and more.  I have no concerns about her speech, I think with three big brothers, they often do the speaking for her.  She can walk, run, climb and she is trying so hard to jump now.  She bends her legs and pushes up, usually raising one foot off the floor and she will gallop round the room in this way.  She loves to copy her siblings and I think she will catch up with Finn in regards to many of their physical milestones.

Cora is headstrong and determined.  She knows what she wants and she is not giving in until she gets it.  She isn't a big fan of sleep and only naps every other day now and night time is hit and miss, with her sleeping through some nights but up every couple of hours on others.  She takes a long time to really wake up though, especially after a nap and she wants to be held close for a long time afterwards, getting cross if I pay anyone else attention.

The pushchair isn't getting as much use anymore as my little girl wants to walk everywhere, and she is quite capable most of the time too.  She thinks of herself as one of the boys .  At home though, her favourite toys are her baby doll and pram, and the Duplo.  She loves books and is always bringing me her 'thats not my' books and climbing into my lap to read them.  She plays peekaboo with Finn (usually with the curtains) and they love to lie down together under the dining table pretending to sleep.  They are inseparable when they are at home together and I love watching the ways that they interact and play together.

Cora is still pretty petite and is just starting to move into her 12-18 months clothes.  She is around 77cm tall and weighs roughly 22lb with size 3.5E feet.  She is still breastfed on demand and she is starting to eat a little more although nowhere near as much as her brothers did at the same age.  She has 16 teeth, hair long enough to tie back (when she lets me).

I think the next 6 months are going to be so exciting as she finds her voice and her independence.  This Christmas I don't think she understood very much but I imagine next year will be a different story!

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