Sunday, 24 September 2017

These Two

These two, only 16 months apart, are much like a double act.  Where one goes, the other follows.  I worried about having them so close together as Finn's first year was far from trouble free and at 16 months he was still very much a baby.  Until she arrived he was still cuddled to sleep curled up in my arms, carried around the house as he wasn't yet walking and treated in most ways like a baby.  Cora came along and changed everything, yet he never got jealous.  He loved her from the beginning and as she has become more able and more mobile their relationship has grown and changed.

jojo-maman-bebe, fox-clothing-for-toddlers

They squabble, he pushes her and she bites him, but most of the time, they can be found together.  They sit and play so well, he tries to teach her colours and show her how to do things properly.  They cook meals together at their play kitchen, stack bobbins in their bedroom and take it in turns to push each other round in the Little Tikes car in the garden.  If things go quiet then you can usually find them in the bathroom, Finn squeezing toothpaste everywhere whilst Cora dutifully holds the toothbrush in place.

jojo-maman-bebe, fox-clothing-for-toddlers

jojo-maman-bebe, fox-clothing-for-toddlers

When we go out, just the three of us, Finn wants her to chase him and she does it giggling as she goes.  He tries to hold her hand to help her walk  and most of the time she won't let him but when she does, he is full of smiles.

These two are so much fun to watch and I think those 16 months will only shrink from now on as Cora tries to catch up with her brothers.  

jojo-maman-bebe, fox-clothing-for-toddlers

jojo-maman-bebe, fox-clothing-for-toddlers

These two were sent these gorgeous outfits from JoJo Maman Bebe and I just love the co-ordination.  The dress is made of the softest cord and the trousers look so comfy and are soft and lined.  The stripy tops are going to be Autumn/Winter staples as they go with everything too.  Cora is in 12-18 and Finn is in 2-3 and both have a lot of growing room (but both are quite petite for their ages).

jojo-maman-bebe, fox-clothing-for-toddlers, 16-month-age-gap


  1. I've always wanted an older brother... these two pretty much illustrate why ��

  2. Aww! How cute are these photos and outfits?? Gorgeous!

    Thanks for linking up to #ALivelyStyle xx

  3. BECKY, these are the sweetest photographs EVER. I am totally all in a swoon.


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