Sunday, 11 June 2017

The Ordinary Moments // A Saturday Afternoon

Saturdays it is mostly just me and the children.  The bloke works from home and I usually take them out somewhere local to run off some energy.  We don't go anywhere far as I don't drive and we have Sunday to do something as a family, but we pick somewhere fun and go out.  Yesterday we went to Quex gardens - a local gardens that we have an annual membership for.  It is beautiful and well kept and we know it is always quiet and there are no dogs running around.

My sister came with us yesterday which was lovely as the boys just adore her and it makes things so much easier having an extra adult when someone needs the toilet or we want to go and get ice creams.  

We spent the whole afternoon there and only left when they started shutting up.  My sister left and the four children and I set off for the train station to go home.  As we walked past a fish and chip cafe, the boys asked if we could stop there for dinner and it felt so good to just say yes.  I love this time of year where it stays light for so much longer, where you can stay out a bit later without any worries and we had a lovely evening, getting home just in time for bed.

I am loving recording the bigger moments through my blog, our milestones and our travels, but I want to remember the little things too, the ordinary moments, the Saturday afternoons we spent playing hide and seek in a beautiful park, eating a picnic under a tree and staying out late for fish and chips.  These little moments that are the things the children will remember.  My sister took this photo of us today, discussing which ice creams we were going to choose  (-because of course days like this need ice cream).

I am going to try and join in Mummy Daddy Me's linky to record the little things, those ordinary moments, the things that I don't always write about but I want to remember.


  1. ah yay I love that you are joining in, Ive had a few weeks off but its definitely my favourite thing to write each week. It sounds like a lovely day and saying yes is always a perfect end to it x

  2. Such a gorgeous photo! It sounds like you had a wonderful day, I love saying 'yes' too when I can and definitely prefer the summer months at the moment :) xx

  3. Great to hear you're joining in. And couldn't agree more - having other adults around is amazing. It's the little things like being able to go the toilet unaccompanied or to grab a coffee!

  4. I agree - I love the seasonal changes through the year but I absolutely love the long summer days. I just feel so much better and that we have achieved so much in a day x

  5. So lovely to see you linking up Bex! I still have no idea how you do anything with four children in tow - you are rocking motherhood and I completely admire you. I'm sure it's not easy all the time but you make it look a breeze - and this sounds like the perfect day x


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