Monday, 9 May 2016

Mr Men Birthday Party

Dylan has been getting excited about his birthday for ages, all his invitations are hand written, he has chosen the place, what he wants his cake to look like and every detail - the fact that he wasn't born until August didn't stop the party planning beginning as soon as Christmas was over and done with.  We were asked to throw a Mr Men birthday party to celebrate that Roger Hargreaves would have celebrated his birthday today and I knew the boys would love a reason to party!

In honour of his birthday, two new books are now available, Mr Men Birthday Party as well as a Silly Birthday book that can be personalised with your child's details.  

As the weather has been so nice recently, we decided to throw our birthday party outside, and we had a birthday picnic party instead.  Armed with our Mr Men plates, cups, napkins and table cloth we took our tea to the park and the boys loved our own special party.

No birthday party is complete without cake, although most cakes are better when a three year old hasn't sat on them! (this one is available from Tesco).  Being the ultra prepared parent I am, I of course forgot a knife, but we got into the party spirit with our very own cake smash - the boys couldn't believe their luck when I told them they could dig in!

 Our party wouldn't have been complete without a fancy dress competition and there were three entrants (the bloke was never going to get involved and Archie wasn't feeling great and decided not to take part).  We have. . .

Mr Strong

Mr Bump

and Mr Greedy

Who do you think should win?

To help celebrate, I have a copy of the Mr Men Birthday Party to give away - just follow the simple rafflecopter entries below.  If you want to get your hands on a personalised story then the code 'Pblogger20 ' will save you 20%

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Mr Men are running their own giveaway on Pinterest, click on the picture below for more information

Disclosure : Advertorial


  1. Very cute, I think F is the winner for sure xx

  2. Mr Strong is really cool and clever use of bandages for mr Bump.


I love comments, so please let me know what you think!

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