Wednesday, 2 January 2013

32 Weeks Pregnant

I have been in no hurry to write this post, as I am in no hurry for this pregnancy to hurry up.  I may have a few aches and miss some of my normal clothes, but I still remember how much I missed my bump once Dylan was here, and I am making the most of these last few weeks.  Christmas did make me rather thankful for the maternity clothes however, and as everyone else sat around unbuttoning their jeans, I was comfortable and no more bloated than usual! 

Here I am at 32 weeks (Not a clear picture but the only one I have!)

On the Inside

Baby is a proper wriggler and although he is now head down, his body moves all over the place.  I am also noticing if I try and sit forward he will often give me a sharp kick to the ribs reminding me that he needs his wiggle room!  I have also noticed how connected Squish seems to be to Dylan.  If Dylan gets upset and cries, I notice Squish wake up straight away and start squirming, even if I am the opposite end of the house and can barely hear him myself.  I am hoping it is a sign that they will have a great connection when he is here as well.  Dylan is starting to become a bit more aware of my expanding tummy, but he still seems quite far off really knowing what is going on.

I am starting to get a few more aches, especially after a long day on my feet at work, or after carrying Dylan a lot, but nothing too bad yet and mostly in my back.  I also have what I believe to be Braxton Hicks for the first time last week, although having never had them in my first pregnancy I am still not entirely sure.  It was an interesting evening and made me oddly excited about the prospect of going into labour again!

Still no heartburn, nausea or cravings so the pregnancy is going as smoothly as it did first time round I think. I am still not getting tired, and I am really hoping it stays that way as Dylan is only getting more active!  Having the Norovirus last week did take it out of me a bit, but luckily everyone here is recovered now and was healthy for Christmas.

On the Outside

According to my midwife bump is measuring just above the 90th centile, but as Dylan was born on the 95th, he is not concerned -  It looks like I just make big babies!  I am feeling quite big now though and a few of my maternity tops don't quite reach my jeans any more!  As baby seems to have got into a better position, my bump appears to have become a little more neat and I am hoping that he stays head down now in preparation for the big day.  I am starting to get a few more stretch marks, and at this point last pregnancy I had none, so I am dreading the end result - I have quite a few from Dylan but they all appeared in the last two weeks.

I have officially nominated January as my month to prepare for baby (not that I have much choice being due in February) and we have a LOT to do! Hopefully by the time I write my 34 week bump diary I will have made a start!


  1. Looking fabulous! Sounds like you are generally in a pretty good state pregnancy-wise, you have far more energy than me! Well done you for working and being able to carry Dylan around. That's impressive.

    That's interesting what you say about stretch marks as I had some after Milo but they never showed during the pregnancy and it's the same this time around. I will have to wait until the baby is out to find out what my skin looks like! Eeek!

    All the best for your 'prepare for baby January'

    1. I carried him around the hospital for two hours on new years eve and that was certainly a challenge but my body is mostly coping well! Hope you are enjoying the last few weeks as well x

  2. Bump is looking lovely as usual. I was just saying to Mr E as well that I would miss my bump, I do love it loads even though I am getting a bit achy. I am ok, nothing too horrendous, just an aching back nowadays. I can't believe how quickly the time is going! x

    1. I want more after Squish and I can't imagine this being my last bump, I really do love it too much! You are looking lovely as well x

  3. I never looked that glamourous when I was pregnant. Exciting times x

    1. I seem to carry babies much like beach balls somehow!

  4. YOu look incredible! I always wanted to be skinny with a bump but sadly I was just huge all over... ;)

  5. I really like your positive thoughts on pregnancy & you look great!I am 16 weeks pregnant with my 6th child & enjoying every day.I know I will miss my bump too!GOOD LUCK with Squish's birth,hope it all goes well.Will be thinking of you

  6. I really like your positive thoughts on pregnancy & you look great!I am 16 weeks pregnant with my 6th child & enjoying every day.I know I will miss my bump too!GOOD LUCK with Squish's birth,hope it all goes well.Will be thinking of you

  7. I really like your positive thoughts on pregnancy & you look great!I am 16 weeks pregnant with my 6th child & enjoying every day.I know I will miss my bump too!GOOD LUCK with Squish's birth,hope it all goes well.Will be thinking of you


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