Monday, 1 August 2022

Nun Night Ten Year Old

If it felt a big deal when you turned 10, then I don't know what to call this approach to 11. It isn't just another year older, but the beginning of a new chapter as you have now left primary school and are preparing for secondary. 

As the oldest child, you are my baseline, my first experience parenting these 'tween' years and I feel like we are learning and growing together. 

Ten was the year your feet caught up with mine and we both wear a size 7 now. 10 was the year you got more independent, when life started being much more about your friends and you often have to be convinced to take part in family activities. Once you relent, you nearly always love it though - I know this will change soon.   You have been getting so much more independent, walking to school and back on your own and playing out with a friend sometimes at the weekend.  It feels bittersweet letting you grow up like this, but seeing how confident you are with new experiences and responsibilities makes me so proud. 10 was the year you let your hair grow and you still don't know what you want to do with it. It was the year you got into all things Japanese and Manga and the year you became a big brother for the fourth time.   You have loved welcoming Rex into the family and he is definitely your favourite.

It has been a busy year, full of change and I am excited to spend your 11th birthday with you tomorrow. It isn't the first time you have spent your birthday on holiday and you are excited for what we have been planning. I have finished blowing up balloons now to decorate our hotel room and your badge is ready to wear. You had presents before we came away but you want to choose some bits from the night market tomorrow as well.

I know eleven is going to be a busy year with so much change but I want to stop and enjoy you whilst you are still little because I know how many lasts are coming as you start needing me less.  You are clumsy, frustrating, intelligent, loud and wonderful and no matter how big you get, you will always be my baby.

Sleep tight my gorgeous ten year old, for tomorrow is a big day

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