Friday, 26 July 2019

[AD] Into the Woods with Kleenex® Water Fresh™ Wipes

Advertisement feature with Kleenex®

For us, getting outdoors every day is essential. We love getting immersed in the
nature of our local woods. We recently went for a day out and spent hours exploring everything nature has to offer! We packed our bags with picnic food, bottles of water and our trusty Kleenex® Water Fresh™ Wipes, grabbed some waterproof jackets (just in case) and set off on our latest adventure.

It didn’t take long before Finn fell over in a puddle and despite me thinking I was sensible
putting them all in black trousers and wellies, I clearly wasn’t sensible enough choosing a
yellow t-shirt! It seems the children are just drawn to the mud, it’s as if every puddle had clearly been put in front of them as an opportunity.

After all that excitement and knowing that I had some yummy food in my bag immediately made everyone feel hungry, so it wasn’t long before we made a lunch stop. The children had been climbing trees and hunting out the best sticks, so all fingers needed a good clean, and the Kleenex® Water Fresh™ Wipes we had brought with us were so easy to use! They come in a handy travel sized packet which I had in my pocket meaning everyone was cleaned up ready for food in no time! The little wonders are as gentle as they are strong, making them perfect for cleaning everything from hands to faces.

After lunch, we carried on our walk, with the children playing camouflage, hiding in the leaves and using them to cover their faces. I didn’t want to be the one to tell them that I could still see their bright t-shirts poking out! They had brought a magnifying glass with them, so we looked closely at all the bugs, the giant ants and the beetles as well as talking about how we can tell the age of trees. We found the best woodland playground with a swing and plenty of things to climb on- they could have spent all day there.

We spotted a few dens already set up and decided to add sticks to those rather than
create our own. By this point there were some very grubby fingernails and some beautiful
smiles. I think getting muddy is such an important part of childhood, connecting them to nature and opening conversations and I always wonder why we don’t spend more time in the   forest.

Of course, no picnic is complete without strawberries and we used the Kleenex® Water Fresh™ Wipes Gentle Wipes on everyone’s faces to get rid of the sticky redness! The wipes come lotion-infused for a perfect pre-snack cleanse! It is amazing how quickly a punnet of fruit can disappear when there are four children!

There was so much running and climbing, jumping and balancing, collecting and
discovering, building and snacking and we must have walked miles before we climbed back
into the car. The big two had to climb into the very back and only two children made it home awake – I can’t blame them as I was ready for bed by the time we got in too! The Kleenex® Water Fresh™ Wipes really were handy for any eventuality, as my children love mud and mess! They easily reseal making them perfect from woodland walk to car journey, and  everything in between!

 Grab a pack of Kleenex® Water Fresh™ Wipes for your next adventure or find out more over at!

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