Sunday, 30 September 2018

Me and Mine in October

Goodbye September, Hello October and all things Autumn.  The sandals are still on the shoe rack, begging to be worn one last time but the boots are on and I have been eyeing up slippers ready for the colder nights.  September was back to normality and routine after a long summer and it has seen four children all having simultaneous growth spurts.  Our photos are last minute and slightly out of focus but most of us look happy so I am calling them a win.

I feel like September has been the most tiring month so far this year as the new daily routine with three drops offs before walking to playgroup, three pick ups and then after school clubs has been challenging and it has taken me a while to get used to it all.  The boys are all really settled in their classes and schools now though and Cora has stopped asking for Finn every two seconds and started enjoying time on her own (although she has replaced him with a friend most of the time!).

This month I have loved seeing the Harry Potter plays in London,  buying Winter clothes for everyone, a girls night out with cocktails and having some time with just Cora.

Ed has loved having fewer wasps around, having a quiet month, Finn's jelly dance and a night out with friends that he doesn't see as often anymore.

Dylan has loved starting junior school, board games club, swapping bedrooms with Finn and having dried mango in his lunchbox.

Archie has loved playing on the tablet at any opportunity, after school playdates with his friends, snuggling under blankets now that the weather has got colder and collecting Lego cards 

Finn has loved getting to take a lunchbox to nursery, sleeping in the bunk beds with Archie, going on the rides at 'So Organic' festival and playing with the search and find books we have

Cora has loved playing with her little cousin on Wednesdays, being back at playgroups, her princess nightie that she was bought for her birthday and reading all the books.

Welcome October!

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