Thursday 8 September 2016

How the UK used to look

My three boys were born in the same hospital that I was, and my Mum was born years before in the neighbouring town.  They are growing up surrounded by the same parks, beaches and high streets that the generations before them played in, but things have changed.  The seaside towns have had their ups and downs, the parks have seen makeovers, had to comply with health and safety and I am pretty sure the maternity ward that has such a huge part in our memories has been updated over the last 30 years.

I love looking back at images from my childhood, seeing the landmarks that are no longer, or those that have stood the test of time.  SunLife have put together some images of the UK 'then' and now, to show how much things have changed and it is wonderful to see how things have modernised but still kept their personality.  London has always been and always will be a bustling city, the majestic buildings of Edinburgh still stand tall.

Living down in Kent, one of the places that has really changed over the years is Margate.  Once it was a thriving seaside town, one of the biggest tourist destinations in the UK, growing up it was busy, bright and full of entertainment but by the time Dylan was born, the tourism had faded, the high street was shutting down and Dreamland, the iconic theme park had gone.  Now Margate is an up and coming town, recovering from years of neglect, attracting modern families, full of art and independent shops.  To see pictures of the town then and now, you see how much things have changed, whilst noticing that the beach is still as clean and busy as ever,  the clock tower still stands proud and the harbour wall still sticks out, even if there are no longer any boats residing there.

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