Monday 28 March 2016

On the Go with Little Dish

Now that Finn is on the move, I often have three children going in three different directions and they are always on the go.  They share a love of exploration, adventure and food and I am sure the three of them eat far more than I do!  They all have a healthy (large) appetite with a love for fruit and vegetables and a desire to graze throughout the day.

I am always on the hunt for new snack idea to add variety to their diet and with Finn's intolerances to dairy and egg it is easier to find things that all three can eat rather than providing seperate and hoping that he doesn't pinch anything that his elder brothers have.  We mix up crackers, cheese, breadsticks and fruit at home, but always choose pre packed goodies for when we are out - they are so much easier to grab and go, portioned well and they love the novelty.

We were recently sent some of Little Dish's new GoGos to try out and they seemed the perfect choice for us.  Suitable from one year upwards and with Finn-friendly ingredients too.  They are full of healthy ingredients like chia seeds, oats and flax and help release energy slowly - ideal for a day out with little people.  They come in three flavours, raspberry, vanilla and ginger and the bags are just the right size too.

little dish, gogos, toddler snacks, little dish snacks, dairy free toddler snacks

We have been testing them this past week and they are a hit with all three boys.  Finn finds them a great size to grab and easy to eat with limited teeth too.  The fact they have no refined sugar makes me happier letting him loose with them and he loves the independence of his own bag.

Archie loves the ginger flavour and enjoyed dipping them in yoghurt too.  The bag is a perfect size serving for him at just turned three and the slow release energy is perfect for a child that doesn't stop moving. 

Dylan is four now so above the target age but definitely not too big to enjoy them and they have turned out to be a perfect after school treat.  He prefers the raspberry although they love to swap some if they have different flavours.  I am still quite fussy with what I let him eat and so these are a perfect compromise.  He feels grown up with his own packet of biscuits and I know that they are providing him with protein and contain only ingredients I am happy for him to eat.

They will definitely be added to our list of going out snacks, at 60p per bag or £2.50 for a multipack of five they are inline with what I normally pay (We tend to stick to the toddler food aisle for pre packed snacks for all three).  I would love to see a savoury flavour added to the mix in the future too as we are always looking for new savoury packaged snacks.

little dish gogos, sugar free toddler snacks,

I am a member of the Mumsnet Bloggers Panel, a group of parent bloggers who have volunteered to review products, services, events and brands for Mumsnet. I have not paid for the product or to attend an event. I have editorial control and retain full editorial integrity. [I have received a voucher in return for writing this post]


  1. These look really tasty and handy for when we are out and about. Like the idea that they are sweet flavours but not full of sugar.

  2. I am lactose intolerant so I know what a nuisance it can be finding snacks to eat - they seem to sneak it into everything! These look good though and it's great he can have the same snacks as his siblings x

  3. These sound like an amazing treat for out and about. I think I'll give them a go with my girls to see what they think.

  4. Oh I really like these. I'm always looking for new on the go snacks. Will keep an eye out for them :)

  5. I love having little packets of snacks like this for my little man when we're out and about. These look great!

  6. I've read about these but haven't tried them yet - definitely something I'm itching to have a go with... anything that will get E eating better snacks! H x

  7. We were sent some of these too, my two toddlers loved them. The little packs are so handy xx

  8. Toby loves the Little Dish and I need to keep an eye out for some of these, they sound fab xx

  9. We were big fans of Little Dish meals when Jack was little but didn't know they did snacks too! I'll definitely look out for these, thanks for sharing! Ps. I love how you photographed them in the pretty cot :) x

  10. These look fab and great for busy days when out and about. Will have to remember them for when my baby is a little older as is already on the move and wanting to go, go, go and it will only get worse!


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