Saturday 9 May 2015

The Doona Review

car seat stroller, doona pushchair, doona review
Women have been having babies since time began, yet somehow there are still new products coming out, innovative ideas that make life just a little bit easier for us.  I was so excited when I first watched a video of the Doona, and even more so when I was asked to review one.

doona car seat, doona pushchair, doona stroller

The Doona is the first all in one car seat pushchair, and even as a non-driver (maybe even more as a non-driver), I have found it an incredible product.  The Doona can be used as an infant carseat, secured either by an isofix base, or using a three point seatbelt.  Rather than needing to attach the car seat to a bulky frame to use it as a travel system though, the Doona has wheels tucked underneath which quite literally pop out, turning it into a pushchair.  As a carseat it has passed all the relevant safety testing and feels strong and secure.

doona car seat, doona pushchair, doona stroller

I initially wondered how useful this would be as a non driver.  As a car owner, I could see the benefit, being able to take baby out the car for quick trips into the supermarket or at the petrol station without any hassle and leaving the boot free.  As a non-driver, I have found the Doona is practical in so many situtations.  

doona car seat, doona pushchair, doona stroller

When I travel with a friend or relative who already has children, and so has a buggy in their boot already.  

On the bus, knowing even in bad weather I don't have to wait if both buggy spaces are already taken.

On days I know I will want to get a taxi home.

Taking my baby home from the hospital (car seats are incredibly heavy to lift after just giving birth!)

London underground, when there are no lifts.

doona car seat, doona pushchair, doona stroller

The wheels are remarkably resilient, and whilst this is clearly not an all terrain buggy, it has handled itself well wherever we have taken it.  The 5 point harness means it is safe and secure in both car seat and pushchair mode.

doona car seat, doona pushchair, doona stroller

One thing I have found really handy, is that you can purchase accessories to make the Doona even more pracitcal.  we have a raincover and also a bag which can be attached in a certain way to help maintain the balance (hanging on the handlebar isn't a good idea with the Doona).  The bag has to be taken off to use as a car seat, but it is very practical and stores a remarkable amount.  You can also buy the Isofix base and a seperate car seat protector to go under the seat when it is strapped in.

doona car seat, doona pushchair, doona stroller

The Doona isn't designed to be your main pushchair, and I still prefer Finn to be lying flat if we are out for a long period of time  The handlebar isn't as high as most pushchairs but as we use the Doona for convenience rather than long walks, I haven't found this a problem.  Dylan loves it on the lowest setting as it is perfect for a toddler to push.

doona car seat, doona pushchair, doona stroller

 I can't say yet how long this seat will last us,  Doona recommend until around 13kg, or your child's head comes above the top of the seat, whichever comes first.  Finn is only 10 weeks but I can see he has a lot of growing space, even more once we remove the newborn insert.

So far, I am really impressed with the Doona.  I am finding so many situations where it is incredibly useful, and Finn is content and comfortable in the seat.  As a car seat it offers great side impact protection and looks like it will fit longer than other infant seats we have had.  As a pushchair it is easy to steer, the brakes are simple and secure and it is light for curbs.

Disclaimer:  I was sent the Doona for the purpose of this review but all thoughts and opinions are completely my own 


  1. I so want one... I think it would be a godsend on the school run when I need to whip three kids out of the car to drop one at school, one at preschool, and then jump in the car to go home again. Like you say, doesn't look like it replaces a traditional pram for long walks, but really good for quickly popping into places where you might have just taken the car seat (and killed your arms doing it) for ease, its nice to be able to push them instead. x

  2. That's such a clever idea - as you say you wouldn't use it as your main buggy but it would be perfect for the just nipping to the shops moment when you don't want to wake them up by putting them in a sling.

  3. Wow this looks incredible! So handy!

  4. Now that we are months past... how long did the seat last? I have a 3.5 month old. but don't want to waste money.

    1. Finn is 11 months and on the chunky side now and he still has plenty of space left, I imagine it will last him until around 15/16 months - It is a really good sized seat

  5. I absolutely love The Doona Car Seat, it's the coolest thing I've ever seen!

  6. I have the Doona and I love it!!! I live in Philadelphia and it's so convenient. The sitter and I use it for daily walks as part of the exercise regimen. A must have stroller for City Life.


I love comments, so please let me know what you think!