Monday 26 May 2014

When the Sun is Shining

There are days where even the best of plans can be ruined by the great British weather and those ever trendy ponchos are on standby even in August.  There are also times when everything comes together though, where the sun is on our side, the wind is low and the back up plans can stay just that, and this weekend was one of those.

After Saturday's showers, Sunday gave us beautiful sunshine and with a big family picnic planned it could not have been better timing.  Aunts, Uncles and cousins came from all over and the boys were in their element with green space, sea air,  picnic food and plenty of entertainers.  

We met in 'the dip', a dipped park on the sea front and played rounders and football, enjoyed ice creams and blueberries and had more fun than you can possibly believe with a stack of cones.  We took two exhausted boys back to their beds at the end of a perfect day.  

 Family has always been such a huge part of my life and I know that it will be for my children.  Coming from two big families means they are never short of Aunts, Uncles, Great aunts and Uncles and cousins of all varieties.  We may not all get together as often as we would like but we are blessed to have so many people around us who care and these family days are even more special because of this.

(p.s It may look like it was just the four of us there but I promise you it was busy!  I wasn't convinced that the rest of the family wanted to be on the blog so I have only used photos of my children)


  1. "The Dip" - not Felixstowe by any chance? Lovely photos :)

  2. Great pictures, it's wonderful to be able to take advantage of a bit of sunshine.

  3. lovely pictures, i like the last one, so cute, i would like to have a similar picture when our baby arrives

  4. On Saturday and Sunday the weather was wonderful and we were so glad to be catching up with family too.

  5. What a lovely time, so nice to see the sun and get out and enjoy it :) x

  6. Lovely to see people getting out more now that the sun's shining - these sort of photos always make me smile ;-)

  7. Wow you really got a gorgeous Sunday! And how wonderful to spend it surrounded by family and playing beach cricket - sounds perfect to me!

  8. what gorgeous pics you must have an amazing collection of memories , your psts are always so fab x

  9. Everything is better with sun out and family isn't it? I love reading post like this and knowing other families are surrounded by their families. As an expat this is the hardest thing for me, knowing my kids won't have aunts uncles cousins and tons of family around them growing up. So hard to have those same relationships over facetime. But I try it's better than nothing. I am going home for two months to america so my kids can spend lots of time being around all my family as I have a huge huge family and I can't wait. this just got me double excited. You are so lucky to have them near and it will show in your children and their skills to love others and be with others. Family is so important. Glad sunday was gorgeous for you and you got to spend it in the best possible way. Love the photos. Boys are growing up quick!

  10. aww gorgeous pictures of all you. Everyone seems happier when the sun is out my two girls certainly are x

  11. what a lovely day. good when the weather doesn't scupper plans, eh!

  12. Ahh your little dudes look super cool! glad you all had such a lovely day Bex xxx

  13. It's great when plans go exactly how they are meant to - it sounds like you had a great day! x

  14. Sounds like you had a lovely day, photo's are lovely. A bit of sunshine can make all the difference.

  15. Arrr these are just beautiful pictures of what looks like a great day out x

  16. Looks like you had a lovely day! Gorgeous photos

  17. We have been enjoying the lovely weather we have had recently, it looks like you have as well. Looks like you had a brilliant day out - great photos x

  18. Such gorgeous colourful photos. Looks like you had a wonderful time. Love the ones of your little man in his hat.

  19. Ah it looks like a great day. I miss the sun, every time my weather app says it's forecast it change back to rain again! Lovely photos x

  20. Gorgeous photos of your boys, it looks like such a happy, sunny day, lots of simple, good old fashioned fun. That last photo is beautiful x #CountryKids

  21. Family and sunshine. It really does sound like a lovely day. Such sweet photos. #CountryKids

  22. What a great family get together and a chance to catch up and have fun in the sun! Lovely photos of your boys having a wonderful time, thanks for linking up and sharing with Country Kids.

  23. Awww look at that glorious sun. Looks so festive in there with that weather. Everyone's faces are bright & happy =) #countrykids

  24. Looks like a lovely way to spend a Sunny Sunday.


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