Tuesday 31 December 2013


We started 2013 as a family of three, with a new arrival imminent.  Dylan was newly walking and starting to talk, slowly losing his baby fat and turning into a little toddler.  I was growing daily with another little boy in my tummy and our life was quiet yet perfect.

After a year of broken legs, birthdays, days out and days in, a year where we welcomed another baby into our life and saw our little man become a big brother.  After a year of learning, enjoying, growing and giggling, we find ourselves leaving 2013 behind, and beginning the new year as a family of four.

Dylan has left behind the baby days, and is slowly changing from a toddler to a little boy.  His language is amazing and he gets funnier and cheekier by the day.  Despite a month spent in hospital, quite literally tied to a bed, he has not stopped spoiling and he remains the laid back little dude he always was.  2013 for him so the end of being an only child and he has adapted to life as a big brother with ease, helping make room in the family for Archie.

Archie is hurtling towards the toddler years and is desperate to walk having now mastered a push along walker and his first birthday is looming.  He is the polar opposite to his big brother in every single way, with an inability to sit still and a curiosity that extends especially to anything with buttons and/or wires.  

2013 was a year of growth, physically for the boys, as a family and as people.  We have learnt seperately and together and we are now a unit of four, a little team, we are buddies.

2014 will be a year of change, with Archie becoming more independent, Dylan turning 3 in August and staring part time pre-school and myself returning part time to work after 11 months of maternity leave.  It will be a year of calm as we continue with our ordinary life as a family of four.   It will be a year of family, as we look forward to a week away in March with my parents at Butlins.  It will be a year of Birthdays as we celebrate the littlest one's first and then the bloke turning thirty.  

I hope it will be a good year, where we are so busy making memories that we don't even notice.  Here is our last family photo from the year, taken on Christmas Day at my parent's house.  All in our cheesy Christmas jumpers, enjoying time with family. This sums up our year pretty well.

Happy New Year!


  1. Happy New Year to you too! Hopefully your 2014 will be slightly less eventful! That's a gorgeous photo - I love the Christmas jumpers so much!

    1. Thanks, we are big cheesy jumper fans! hehe

  2. Happy New Year! It's been a busy one for you - I regularly read your blog although must apologise that I'm not very good at commenting - but it's been lovely to see your family grow. Thank you for sharing it all. This is a lovely family Christmas photo to look back on. I look forward to seeing what next year brings for you x

    1. Thanks, I am rubbish at commenting on things too as I usually read on my phone. x

  3. This is a fantastic photo, I love all of your Christmas jumpers!
    I didn't realise Dylan is so young, he'll be starting preschool at the same time as Harry :-) x

    1. He is only little really, he just looks big! I think he is going to love preschool when the time comes.

  4. Gorgeous photo! I hope 2014 is wonderful for you all. See you soon xx

  5. Haha. Gotta love a Christmas jumper shot! So glad to hear you are going to be joining in with us for 2014. It's been so much fun! x

    1. It is such a great idea,I can't wait to record our family x

  6. Replies
    1. you too, Hope 2014 is a good one for you x

  7. So many memories! Happy New Year lovely :)) here's to bloggy friends in 2014 *clinks* xxx

    1. We must fine time for more drinking in 2014 ;)

  8. A perfect end to 2013. A year of calm sounds exactly what a happy settled and contented family should have. That's my goal too for the end of 2014 xx

    1. I hope you are all settling in your new house x

  9. Little Archie is looking so much more grown up than when I saw him at Britmums! Amzing how they grow and change so quickly. Loving the festive jumpers : )

    1. He is hurtling towards one at a rather scary rate! Thanks x

  10. What a lovely family photo- I love the Christmas jumpers! x

  11. Love your jumpers! Great family photo! x x

  12. Those jumpers are pretty immense! Happy new year to you lovely, here's to a slightly less eventful one xxx


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