Saturday 8 June 2013

Mama Mio Skincare

I hate to say it, but my body is just not the same as it was pre-baby.  There are lumps and bumps in places that were once smooth and my tummy has a silver map of something resembling the london underground etched into it thanks to stretch marks.  As much as I tried to look after my body during pregnancy and afterwards, motherhood has taken it's toll.

I was invited along to learn about Mama Mio's pregnancy skincare range and their new 'Fit Skin Test' and I was interested to see whether their products could make any difference at all to me. 

The fit skin test is
a series of questions about you, your body, your skin and your goals and is aimed at providing you with a tailor made prescription of creams without you needing to even leave the sofa.  The results also include a lot of information about your skin type.  Mama Mio believe in fit skin for life, and pregnancy is a very important time to look after yourself.

At the event we met one of the founders, Tanya who surprised me by admitting to having teenage children.  It is clear that she looks after her skin and her body and made me even more curious about the products.  Mama Mio was created by 4 mums and so they really know what is important to us.

I came away from the event with three of their products, Boob Tube, Get Waisted and Eye Know which I have been using for the last 2 months.

Boob Tube is a bust and neck firmer cream designed to help combat the effect that pregnancy and your milk coming in has on your boobs.  I have been using this now for over a month and I can see and feel a visible difference.  My skin feels firmer and my stretch marks less obvious.  The product is completely safe for breastfeeding and I am really hoping that when I do decide to stop feeding Archie this will be the cream that keeps everything in place.  I can honestly say that despite the £30 price tag I will most definitely be investing in this one again as it is more than worth it.  The product is facial skincare quality to, so if I am feeling lazy I use it as a facial moisturiser and it does not irritate my sensitive skin at all.

Get Waisted is designed to do exactly what you would expect - help define your waist.  Users have reported losing inches off their middles and although I haven't had the tape measure out I can feel the benefits.  Not only is my tummy super smooth (despite the stretch marks), I really am starting to see more definition.  I am still on a post baby weight loss journey anyway but I really think that this product is helping.  I have found that I needed two big pumps to cover my tummy so this product is running out the fastest, but even with daily use it is lasting a good 2/3 months.

Eye Know is an all in one eye serum perfect for sleep deprived mothers, as well as anyone else wanting to look a little more bright eyed. The tag line is '8 hours sleep in 60 seconds' which appears to be my children's motto too sometimes. I am often getting told that I look healthy or well rested and I can tell you for a fact that I am not.  Archie can be up anywhere from every few hours to every few minutes in the night and with an active toddler as well all day long, it has been a long time since I had a good night's sleep.  I love this product as it immediately de-puffs my eyes in the morning and will certainly be buying some more. The amount that I need to use for my eyes is minimal and I reckon that one 15ml pot would last me at least 3 months.

I can quite honestly say that Mama Mio has revolutionised my skin care routine and there is no going back now.  Despite the products being a lot more than I have ever paid for skincare before, this is the first time I have ever had visible results and should I get pregnant again, I will certainly be joining all the celebrities that insist on Mama Mio

Mama Mio, skincare review, get waisted, boob tube, eye serum

If you want to take the test and find out what products Mama Mio would recommend for you, then the password is special

Disclaimer:  I was invited to an event to learn about the company and products and provided with some samples but all thoughts and opinions are completely my own.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for giving nice information regarding skin care It would be more helpful if it contains treatment tips.


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