Thursday 13 June 2013

Homemade Father's Day Bunting

With less than a week to go until Father's Day, I decided we would get creative again and make a homemade gift for daddy.  Last year he loved his homemade Daddy photo frame and this year I decided that Dylan and I would make some bunting to go above his computer.

I am not going to pretend to be an artisitc genious but I do love to make things and this had to be suitable for a 22 month old.

daddy bunting, fathers day craft, homemade toddler

I cut out the letters that spelt Daddy from an old cardboard box and prepared some paint with sponges (I couldn't find any of our art ones so cut up an unused kitchen scourer) and some bits and bobs that I had picked up from the pound shop.  I had sequins, cardboard shapes, torn up tissue paper, mini pompoms and some little stars.

toddler craft, toddler make,father's day, craft supplies toddler

painting with toddler, frugal painting, frugal crafting,

Then I let Dylan loose, first with the paint and then with a pritt stick and craft supplies.  I didn't care how they ended up looking but I wanted Dylan to do as much of it as he could himself.  

toddler painting, making father's day gift, father's day bunting, daddy bunting

Considering a child's attention span is meant to be one minute per year of their lives, my one year old sat still in the high chair for around 30 minutes before declaring it snack time.

There are many variations you could do to suit the child's age, from finger painting for babies to hanging them on a wall and flicking paint at them (outside of course) to create a splatter effect for older children.  Painting and sticking was perfect for my nearly-two year old though.

Once every letter was suitably decorated and dry, I used a pen to make holes in the top of each letter and used a needle and thick thread to attach all the letters together.  The final result may not be a masterpiece, but it is certainly made with love and I know that the bloke will love it as it was made by his son.

We are planning on hanging it over the bloke's computer desk as that is his little corner, and there happens to be a big empty space just above it that is perfect for some daddy bunting.

daddy bunting, father's day, father's day craft, crafting with a toddler, toddler crafts, daddy bunting, toddler made bunting.

Let me know if you decide to give this a go!


  1. We shall be attempting something homemade too! i saw something awesome online and wanted to recreate it but attempted it with a 10 month and got paint every where! maybe something like this bunting with hand prints on may be easier for us!!!

  2. Wow that is such a beautiful idea. this year I must admit, I stole your idea, which you did last year. even trying to take a picture of him holding a letter seemed impossible haha. I love all of your creative ideas :D I'm sure he will absolutely love it :Dx x x

  3. love it nice one! you could link it to the Monday Parenting Pin It party

  4. Love it, so much so that I'm almost tempted to try it with my 4 yr old and baby (9mth) and I hate messy stuff! Will let you know if I'm brave enough!

  5. It has turned out lovely, what a talented little toddler you have! I would love to try it but mine never has the attention span, we are settling for a crayon scribbled card! xx

  6. Love this post...I am also reaching out because I am working with someone I thought your readers may benefit from. It is a nursing wear company and they are giving away a product voucher to a lucky reader if you wanted to enter or share please let me know if I can return the favor

  7. Ah that's so cute! I have been rubbish this year and as I write this on Saturday morning I haven't sorted out a card for my dad or one for Iyla to give to Dad2BabyInsomniac! Oh well, he's getting a free trip to Legoland, what more does he want ;) x

  8. We've been doing home made this four year old has been making a paper mache piggy bank for dad..and we have had lots of fun pasting newspaper over an inflated balloon using flour and water glue! 4 small match boxes were added as feet and then we painted it bright red with acrylic....well worth the effort and a great experience for young Mark!

  9. I am not going to pretend to be an artisitc genious but I do love to make things and this had to be suitable for a 22 month essay writing service

  10. I love this! We will definitely try that next year.


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