Friday 5 April 2013


           My life is certainly not perfect.  Sometimes Dylan can play up so badly that all I want to do is walk away and pretend that I don't know him.  Sometimes Archie wants feeding every single hour and I am completely and utterly exhausted.  Sometimes the bloke leaves chocolate wrappers all over the floor and I have to explain to an excited toddler in the morning that yes they are chocolate, but no he cannot have any.

There will always be things that I want to change, I mean who doesn't want to be a little richer, a tad slimmer, or have roots that dye themselves.  There will always be things that I could have done differently and one little decision somewhere along the way could have changed the course of things completely.
I have made the choices that got me to this place in my life though.  Rightly or wrongly I have made every single one, and I like to think I have no regrets.  I found myself pregnant three months into a new relationship but if I hadn't have put everything into that relationship then I wouldn't have my beautiful family.

Dylan may have his moments, but do you know what?  He is a toddler and he is discovering his boundaries.  With every tantrum he is learning where he stands and I am learning right along side him.  Archie may be a bit of a milk monster, but this part of his life will be gone in a flash and when I look back, I will be able to say I was there for every single second of it!  When he smiled at me for the first time this week, his face lit up and every difficult moment was worthwhile.

Every now and again I like to just take a step back and take in the fact that I am happy.  I have a partner that loves and supports me and two beautiful children who challenge me and force me to become a better person.  Even when I feel far from perfect, they are a constant reminder that I did something perfectly right.  I have a close family, enough money to enjoy the occasional meal out and a blog which not only satisfies my need to write but gives me a journal of our lives to look back on.  I have opportunities, an education and a future to look forward to- wherever it may lead.

I am happy with where I am and where I am going and in a world with so much negativity, I am even happier to be able to say that.  I think sometimes we need to be able to float above ourselves and look down to see quite how lucky we are.  I refuse to judge my life compared to someone else's as we are all individuals.  

I may need reminding when I am up at 3am for the eleventy billionth night feed that the cuddles are completely worth it but quite honestly, I wouldn't change a thing right now.


  1. So true. I often think that a younger version of me would be so jealous of where I am right now, and that I have everything I ever wanted. It makes it really hard to be negative when you remind yourself how lucky you are every time you look at your children. x

    1. There will always be tough days but sometimes it really helps to look at the bigger picture I think x

  2. thats all so true, i feel the same way i might only have one child but got pregnant really early on in in our relationship as well and i'm now getting married in a week:)
    I think that you sometimes forgets how blessed we really are :)

    1. Congratulations, and I hope the wedding goes perfectly! Life certainly doesn't always go to plan but that doesn't make it any less perfect x

  3. So true! I think I can relate to your story as I got pregnant 10 months after our first date.

    1. I don't think it is any indication of the kind of parent or partner you will be as long as you have the love to give, I wouldn't change a thing about getting pregnant early although it was one hell of a shock!

  4. So true! I look at my girlies and feel so thankful too- life may not be perfect but its pretty damn good! x

  5. aww that's so lovely. we are all so lucky to have such lovely families (even if toddler is currently trying to bit me in the nose!) xx

    1. We do have some gorgeous children, don't we!?!

  6. Aw that's a lovely post. It is important to remind ourselves how lucky we are and I'm glad you are happy with your super cute family x

    1. How could I not be with these gorgeous three boys! x

  7. I love this very lovely post!! We do need to remind ourselves, that even though things get us down from time to time, we have it SO good :)

    1. If we didn't have the tough times, then we would never appreciate the great bits. I think we need to get down as otherwise we would never have those moments where you realise it is all worthwhile x

  8. That is such a beautiful post, it really bought a tear to my eye. How perfect is this!!
    It's so lovely, and times are tough sometimes, we all have those moments and it's nice to hear that I'm not the only one that has them..but reading posts like this makes people that little bit stronger, that little bit happier and gives you the `bounce back in your step.`
    Thank you, and you have such a beautiful family you deserve to be happy x x x

    1. Thanks very much. We definitely all have those days and on far too many of them I am counting down until bedtime but then I have the most perfect days as well and I know that my good days outweigh the bad x

  9. Such a lovely post. Over the last week we've had some challenging times with our toddler and since reading this your words have stuck with me today. When she has a tantrum now, I try to remember your words that she is just learning where she stands. It's helping me to be more patient.

    1. Definitely, that is what being a toddler is all about I think. Finding the boundaries, and usually in the noisiest way possible! One day though they won't need us so much and we will miss these bits, no matter how tough they are at the time. Hope your little one gets through the difficult bits fast! x


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