Friday 15 February 2013

The Waiting Game

This is officially the most pregnant I have ever been.  Dylan arrived at 38 weeks without any intervention and I had been so busy in the weeks leading up to his birth that I never took the chance to take that last pregnant photo or go on a last date night.  I was expecting my first baby to be late as you are so often told they will be, but was very happy to see him arrive early considering he was a healthy 8lb10oz.

I am currently 39 weeks pregnant with baby Squish and I am starting to see why people are not a fan of the last few weeks.  It feels like a waiting game now, and every morning the bloke is begging for labour to start as he is desperate to start his paternity leave!  Every night I go to bed wondering if this is the last night I will be sleeping on my left side with pillows wedged all around me.

The aches and pains are starting to become more constant and my nightly bath is a welcome relief after a day of activities with an energetic toddler.  Squish's room may not be ready but the important bits are done and his moses basket sheets are washed and ready.  My hospital bags are packed and the car seat is ready to bring home our new little man.  My mum is waiting for the call to come and collect Dylan and the bloke is keeping an eye on his phone for the message that he needs to come home from work and get to the hospital.

It is a waiting game, and I fear I may get a bit impatient!

Due date is still a few days away but as Dylan was early, I am constantly met with surprise when we go out that I don't have my new baby boy with me.  The texts have started arriving checking for news of the new arrival and there is only so many times you can reply no without wondering when the day will come.

I am still loving pregnancy and aches aside, I think there is nothing more exciting than a growing bump.  I know how much I will miss my bowling-ball tummy and the feeling of the little guy kicking and wriggling away.  I know I will miss the looks and comments as I parade my huge bump around. The pains are nothing I can't cope with and Dylan and I are still enjoying a similar life style to before, as I refuse to spend all day on the sofa. (I also don't think he would let me get away with it somehow!)

But it is a waiting game now.  In the next three weeks I will definitely meet the fourth member of our family - hopefully much sooner than that but for now I am trying to make the most of every last minute with my gorgeous little boy before he becomes my gorgeous big boy!


  1. I hope he/she makes an appearance v soon x I only went 6 days overdue with my first and that was enough...! xx

    1. I never thought I would go overdue but losing hope that he will turn up early now! x

  2. What a fabulous bump! Hope the little man doesn't keep you waiting much longer. x

  3. Looks like Squish will be arriving very very soon!

    I've just - today - started a new blog hop, The Friday Baby Shower, for all things pregnancy and new baby and would absolutely love for you to link up - new posts and great oldies very welcome

    Alice @ Mums Make Lists xxx

    1. Have linked up! Hope he arrives very soon, we are all waiting for him! x

  4. Those messages and calls asking if there is any news absolutely drove me if people wouldn't hear the news when the time arrives?!?!
    I think keeping busy and trying not to think about it too much helps, although at this stage you read something in to every twinge. I'm sure he won't be much longer, can't wait to "meet" him. X

    1. I might just not tell anyone when I have him just to be annoying! hehe Can't wait to meet him either! x

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  6. I feel for you. I was 9 days overdue when my first arrived and the last couple of weeks were so difficult to get through. At least you know you don't have long x

    1. I completely feel for anyone who goes overdue now - not even there yet but more than ready to meet him! x

  7. All the very best! Currently only 32 weeks along and already feeling huge; it's been fab to read your blog and think about how best to prepare. Sending you lots of good wishes for a beautifully smooth delivery...

    1. Thanks! Hope your pregnancy is going well - I have felt huge throughout this time but I quite like having such a big bump! x

  8. The last bit is the worst, I hated the not knowing! Iyla was four days over so not too bad in the scheme of things. I hope you don't have to wait too long! xx

    1. Not too long for you either although I better meet my little man before you meet yours! hehe x

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  10. wow, just started to rad your story> amazing bump, and you look so good. i lot of thing that you wrote were similar to mine, like going to sleep and thinking if it the last night i will be sleeping on my left side etc. It brought up such nice memories.Thanks for your story:))


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