Monday 31 December 2012

A New Year

2012 has been an amazing year.  Like everyone, I have had my ups and downs, but I entered the year with a gorgeous, dependant and smiley little baby, and am leaving it with an inquisitive, giggly, energetic and happy toddler.  2012 has seen me start a blog and work very hard at it,  return to work part time and fall pregnant with Squish.  2012 has seen me turn 25, bake my first cake and move into our new house.  

Every new year, I make resolutions - promises to myself to be a better person.  By the end of January I have usually completely forgotten what they are, but come December, it seems like a great idea again to come up with a new set.  This year will be no different I am sure, but the main promise I want to make is to give my son more distraction free time.

My number 1 priority

My mobile phone is never out of reach, and I rarely turn the laptop off.  There is always a little icon popping up on the top left hand screen on my phone to let me know that I have a new email, or a tweet or that someone has liked a post on Instagram and I am guilty of giving in to the temptation to check the notifications almost as soon as they pop up.  My new years resolution this year is to spend a little time every day with my phone either switched off or in another room.  I want to take away the temptation to check on the outside world and just sit and play a bit more.

I am not going to set myself a time goal or anything more structured, just a promise to make more of an effort to ignore technology and show my gorgeous little boy that he is my priority.

I have also found a fabulous idea which I intend to try this year- 

 A '2013 Jar'

I will fill the jar with happy memories from the year, big and small.  Special days, moments, feelings and objects that make us smile, written down on pieces of paper and popped in the jar.  At the end of 2013, I can look back and remember how I felt, what we have been up to and leave 2013 behind on a positive note.

Do you make new years resolutions or have a great idea of how to keep 2013 on track?  


  1. Sounds like a perfect resolution to make! Its so easy to sit on your phone/laptop, I found myself thinking this earlier in the year and now make a conscious effort to sit on the floor for a while every day with my 10 month old and just play! I love the happiness jar idea too, I think me and my husband might try that one as well. Hope you have plenty of happy moments to look back on this time next year :)

    1. I think I am certainly not alone in spending too much time on my phone by the sound of it! Hope you have a fantastic 2013 x

  2. I am guilty of this too and they are growing so quickly that I need to try and spend less time on my phone. It is so easy to just check my emails, or twitter or instagram as they are there. I don't get the laptop out really unless Mads is asleep but I am very guilty of being on my phone all the time.
    I need to try harder to spend some quality time with her playing especially as she is so good at playing by herself.
    I love the jar idea.

    Happy New Year. x

    1. Dylan has stopped playing on his own so much but he doesn't get my full attention so much. Don't think we will have much time on our phones pretty soon though!

  3. They sound like lovely resolutions! One really important one and one that could only make life that little bit sweeter! I hope you don't mind if I borrow those though? Would you mind? I was struggling to think of some and yours are brilliant :) Good luck with carrying them out in the New Year! Hope 2013 is good to you!

    1. Go for it! I think it is something a lot of parents are guilty of. Hope you have a wonderful year x

  4. I think that jar is a fabulous idea! I might have to steal that one!
    I am also terrible for leaving the laptop on and almost always having my phone nearby. I think the distraction of a baby on top of another child may well help us both against that in the near future ;)

    1. I did borrow the jar idea from someone else but I can't remember who! I love it though and hoping to have it full to the brim by the end of the year!

  5. lovely post, you have been busy this year! Will have to steal the jar idea, have a great 2013!

  6. You soon find with two around that those precious ten minutes are just that precious! Enjoy every second and I hope you have a wonderful new year

    1. I am wondering whether I have any time on my phone come February! x

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. I saw the jar idea myself and think I am going to give it a try, I think it's a great idea! I found myself in the same way with technology, which is why I've had to drop my logging and tweeting a lot. Am
    Trying to find more of a balance now.

