Wednesday 7 November 2012

Autumn is Here!

With the evenings getting darker and the weather getting cooler it is safe to say that autumn has well and truly arrived.  Moving house has coincided with the thick winter duvet coming back out, the heating being put  on a timer to come on every morning and evening and the foot muffs being zipped back on to the pushchairs.

Dylan is the proud owner of his very first cosy coat after spending last year in full body snow suits and my scarf collection is hanging by the door waiting to keep me snug.  Winter boots, mittens, hot chocolate, Christmas films, slippers and cosy nights by the fire are the things I look forward to and so far my autumn treats are not disappointing! 

Winter is not all about being cuddled up inside though and with two of us suffering from cabin fever if we don't get out all day it is safe to say we are getting plenty of
use from our wellies this season! 

The park is now at the end of our road meaning no pushchair is needed for a quick trip out and we have been loving splashing in puddles and stomping through the fallen leaves.  We have ignored the rain by crawling through tunnels and defied it by playing on the swings. We have gone for long walks with the pushchair examining every stick, bush and insect we can find and we have wrapped up warm to visit the mini farm and practice our oinking at the pigs.

We have done lots of reading and even more shape sorting and there have been plenty of cuddles. We have welcomed in autumn and are looking forward to snow, snuggles on the sofa and Santa Claus as the temperature drops even further   Unfortunately moving house meant that Halloween and Bonfire Night were not big occasions this year, but we are looking forward to Father Christmas's first visit in our new house and I have the fairy lights and snow flakes ready and waiting for December to appear.

How have you been enjoying the autumn days and nights? 


  1. I'm hoping we don't get any snow - can't stand the stuff! Love your pictures, autumn is most definitely here and I'm quite sure we'll have a long winter to go with it!

    CJ x

    1. I am starting to think it is winter already although today is a bit milder. Not sure how much I will like snow when I am heavily pregnant actually . . . !

  2. Lovely photo and beautiful right up of all that is good about winter. I hope the move went smoothly and like you I am looking forward to Christmas with the children now and making the most of the short hours of daylight and marveling at the village Christmas lights as night falls. Thank you for linking up with Country Kids.

    1. Ohh Christmas lights! I can't wait to take Dylan as he will be old enough to appreciate them this year! x

  3. Hehe me too, unfortunately he doesn't like hats full stop! Snacks are the only things that keep it on!

  4. Ahh - I love it when they're all snuggly in their buggies when it's cold :) shame it lasts about 10 minutes before they're demanding to get out and be entertained in some way! lol xxx


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