Monday 17 September 2012

The First Flutterings

There is nothing more reassuring than feeling that little growing baby start wriggling around.  The first 12 weeks of pregnancy are hard, with the tiredness, the secrets and the sickness for some, but I found every little symptom reassuring, as it told me that my baby was doing well, getting comfy and telling my body about its presence.

12 weeks comes and goes, and the symptoms start to lessen..  My energy came back and everyone knew about our pregnancy.  My bump started to slow down growth as the bloating became more baby, but I had no way of knowing that this little creature was ok in there.

baby first movements, baby first kicks, 16 weeks pregnant bump I remember the first time I had felt Dylan move.  I was having a spring picnic with some friends and had bought myself a coca cola, even though I knew I couldn't really handle caffeine.  I had to leave early and walked to work.  When I sat down at work I felt this odd sensation in my tummy, like bubbles popping against it, and all in  the same place.  I remember sitting there with a giant grin on my face as I finally understood this was my baby moving.  It wasn't the first time I had felt something similar but suddenly it was stronger and more confident and I knew what it was. I was 19 weeks and with an anterior placenta I had been told it might be later that I felt the baby kick.  At the 20 week scan it was all confirmed.  I mentioned where baby was moving and the sonographer scanned over that part and saw his little legs kicking outwards.

This pregnancy, my placenta is at the back, meaning there is less of a barrier between Squish and the outside world.  It means I was likely to feel movement a lot earlier and I certainly have.  I was nearly 15 weeks pregnant when I first felt this little wriggler and I knew that it was my baby telling me everything was alright in there.  I don't feel it all day but most days, several times a day I feel the all too familiar bubbling that tells me Squish is awake and having a wiggle.  

I know it is still early and it will be quite a while before you can feel the little kicks and punches from the outside.  I know that some days I don't really feel anything, either because I am too busy to notice or because Squish is facing in a different direction and kicking my bladder or something else.  I do however, cherish every single movement, and if you see me sat there smiling, hands hovering over my tummy then you know there is a little party going on in my womb.

Those first flutterings are magical.  They are light and small but powerful in their own way.  It won't be long until I am wishing this baby will nap at appropriate times and let me get some sleep, but until then I intend to enjoy my little secret kicks - I love not having to share my little Squish with anyone as I know once he or she is here, everyone will be wanting a cuddle!

How did your baby's first movements make you feel?  Do you still remember the first time you felt them?


  1. Aww those first flutterings are the most amazing feeling in the world. That's the one part of pregnancy i miss the most, feeling that little life your growing moving around inside you! xxx

    1. It is definitely one of my favourite parts - until they find your bladder of course! x

  2. I was sitting in the garden in April sunshine, feeling that first lovely spring warmth, then I felt my daughter for the first time. It felt like I had a fish in my tummy. I wanted to run to tell my husband, but I also wanted to sit perfectly still in case when I moved I couldn't feel it any more.

    With my son I had an anterior placenta and could only feel him move when I was lying sideways on the bed - he used to enjoy bouncing on the bed (and still does). When I went into labour I hadn't felt him for a good few hours and was getting worried, when the midwife got kicked when she had her hand on my tummy she said "well you felt that kick didn't you?" but no, I couldn't feel a thing

    1. I had anterior with my first and so wondering just how much kicking I am going to get this time then! I always sit still when squish moves in case I disturb!

      Thanks for sharing x

  3. Aaah so jealous, I can't believe I have a blimming anterior placenta again- I remember towards the end with Mads I was on weekly monitoring as because she was breech and because of my placenta I hardly got movement at the end. It showed she was moving a lot but I just wasnt feeling it.

    And I now have one again. Boo. I still am not sure if I have felt bug yet, I just don't know! X

    1. I bet it won't be long until your little bug is wriggling away and you start wishing she would stay still so you can get some rest! Hope it happens soon x

  4. Awwww. I remember the first ever time i felt Paige, it was 11:30pm on a Saturday night and i was watching tv :) Mark felt her for the first time on New Years Eve :) I miss feeling her!! Xx

    1. The bloke felt Squish for the first time this week and it was lovely! x

  5. Aww, so cute! I remember feeling Harry, when me & my other half went for a lovely romantic walk, and we felt the first kick. I had felt some flutterings before this; but I didn't really know what I was feeling for..but I definately knew with the kick!! I never used to look forward to seeing the kicks and movements; however now, it makes my day just feeling him worm about in there trying to get comfy...I hope you enjoy this pregnancy :D xxx

    1. That is so nice that he waited until you were out together! Hopefully you will feel his little legs kicking properly soon whilst you have new baby cuddles! x

  6. I have an anterior placenta this time and not felt much movement. It is amazing when you feel it isn't it. Enjoy it and you have such a gorgeous bump x

    1. I had an anterior last time and felt things much later, this time I am lucky it is at the back, although I have less protection later on when he or she gets a bit stronger! x

  7. Your bump is perfect and that top is perfect for it! x


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