Wednesday 5 September 2012

Bruised and Battered

I can't be the only one whose child is looking more and more battered by the day.  New skills are certainly leaving their marks as his skin is starting to fill up with red and black marks showing the failed attempts. 

It was only a few short weeks ago that he sat nicely playing with his toys.  His skin still soft and pink and all body parts intact.  Currently he is sporting 3 bruises on his face down to clumsiness and several on his knees, possibly due to crawling but I can't be sure.  I feel embarrassed taking him out with a big red mark down one cheek but can't explain to everyone we see that he tried to pull himself up on an empty toy box and it couldn't hold his weight.  

bruised baby, toddler learning to walk and bruised

I try my hardest to keep him out of danger but sometimes he has to learn and sometimes I just cannot predict what he will do.  I hate seeing him in pain and would do anything to take it away from him but luckily (unless he is super tired) he is quite good at picking himself up and getting on with things again after a few tears and a cuddle.

I am hoping this is a stage all toddlers go through as they learn and become more mobile but it doesn't change how horrible it is seeing him fall and the marks and bruises that inevitably follow.  Are your children as bruised and battered as my little dude? (please say yes!)


  1. Yes! Jenson currently has a graze on the top of his head accompanied by a few purple bruises. He has a scratch on his leg and a scratch on his face. He's always trying to climb things and currently trying to walk. He hits himself with his toys a lot. Hopefully they both get through this stage in tact! Haha x

    1. Good to know Dylan is not the only one! And we haven't even started the climbing bit yet :/

  2. Welcome to the world of babies on the move :-) Leo is always sporting a bruise or graze and I think it goes hand in hand with getting around hehe xx

    1. Might have to just get used to it then :(

  3. Yep. Baby man has fallen twice and hurt his head in the same place in 2 weeks! x

    1. Poor little baby man, takes them a while to learn at this age I think!

  4. Yes! I have two toddlers and they are constantly covered in bumps and bruises, I am surprised child services haven't knocked on my door yet! My youngest is the worst, he always seems to have bruises on his forehead. He literally bounces off things.
    Don't worry about your little one though, as they become more sure on their feet the bumps and bruises will be few :o)

    Kerri x

    1. We are definitely still in the learning stage and I am sure as soon as he starts letting go his knees will turn a whole new shade of red! At the moment it seems to be his face suffering the most damage though.

  5. Oh yes, my youngest fell tonight and has got a red mark on his leg. The older two aren't much better though. They go out on their bikes and scooters and regularly get war wounds. They've both got grazed elbows at the moment.

    1. Sounds like the first aid kit is here to stay then!

  6. Definitely, Oliver has a huge bruise on his forehead where he climbed on to a chair and it collapsed on to him unfortunately the bumps and bruises come with babies learning to move around. There is a head guard you could buy to protect his little head but can't rember where you buy it from, I saw it at the baby show earlier this year. Also buy some Armica from
    Boots and rub it on to any little
    Bump he received should help with the healing and always keep some sudocrem near by too.
    Big hugs x x

  7. My little one got a massive bump on his head the morning of his 1st birthday party, hit his head on the corner of the dining chair, it was terrible! Every day this week it has been a bruise of a different colour, you a definitely not alone! I'm like you, feel everyone is looking at the bruise when we go out! Also I went to Boots and bought a Mr Bump cool soother :-)

  8. Oh I completely sympathise. Dexter seems to stratch himself constantly even though we cut his nails every other day. He is also sporting a nick on his eyebrow after I accidentally dropped an iPhone on him. We're yet to see a bruise but I know it won't be long. It's so upsetting and you think everyone is looking at you in Tescos. I guess it's just one of those things.

  9. We get bruises and things all the time, I have no idea where from sometimes. She fell over in the garden the other day and grazed her knee, it was bleeding lots and every time I see it I feel a little bit sad!


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