Saturday 1 September 2012

26.6.12 - We are Pregnant

After a week of extreme tiredness and clock watching, waiting for seven o clock so I can send Dylan off to bed and collapse on the sofa, I decided to take the test.  I had an inkling at Britmums and went easy on the wine but I didn't want to be too hopeful and have to suffer the disappointment if it was not so.

The ever so important pee on a stick test,.  Nervous for the result, I hid it under a towel while I counted to 200 seconds before slowly peeling the towel away.  I was greeted with two fat lines.  One to say yes I had correctly peed on a stick and the other to tell me I was infact having a baby

A baby, a t
iny newborn baby is growing in my tummy.  Only a few months until I feel that familiar kicking, only a few more before my feet become a distant memory and then not long until I get to hold the squishy little thing in my arms.  

It feels so different this time.  With Dylan the overwhelming emotion was shock.  He was unplanned and completely changed the path I had planned.  I was happy, I knew I wanted to keep him, but I was shocked and so was the bloke.  This baby is planned.  The moment I found out a huge smile spread across my face.  I couldn't wait to tell the bloke, and I can't wait to tell Dylan he will be a big brother.

Part of me hoped it would be as easy to fall pregnant as we did last time but I was secretly worried that it would take months and that Dylan was just a fluke.  Finding out we are pregnant straight away has come as a surprise still but one I am very happy about.  I had always wanted 18 months between my babies and it looks like that is what we will get!

I have no idea whether this baby is a boy or a girl. With Dylan I knew from the day I found out that I was pregnant that I was having a boy.  I never doubted myself.  I bought boy's clothes in anticipation and thought about boy's names and the twenty week scan was a confirmation that my instincts were right.  I don't have the same convictions this time so it will be a lovely suprise when we find out.  

I am so excited about Mummy, Daddy and Dylan becoming a family of four and can't wait to start growing my little bump

This post was written the day I found out I was pregnant but I didn't want to announce my pregnancy until after the first scan.  If you want to read my other pregnancy posts here are my announcement, 12 weeks pregnant and 14 weeks pregnant


  1. How lovely and how exciting! I hope the pregnancy is going well and good luck with your new baby and your new family of four x

    1. Thanks, everything is going well so far and I am growing at an alarming rate!

  2. Fantastic post, and congratulations!

  3. Congratulations! I look forward to rfliwing your pregnancy journey x

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. D was certainly not planned but wouldn't change him for the world. Was nice to plan this one though and really enjoy finding out

  5. Huge congratulations! And a little envy ;) x

  6. Congrats and Happy Womb Reading.

  7. Ahhh, what a lovely post. It's lovely that your experience of finding out was so good, espeically when last time was a big surprise. X

    1. It was nice to be happy at the result rather than gobsmacked but I wouldn't change a thing about my first pregnancy x

  8. This is beautiful! Congrats hunny xxxx

  9. This is lovely, and congratulations again. It is the best feeling in the world staring at those two lines- nerve racking, scary, amazing, exciting and lovely! x

  10. Wonderful news - congratulations - look forward to reading about your journey xx


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