Tuesday 24 July 2012

You make me Smile - Week 6

We are now into the sixth week of You make me Smile and it is never too late to join in.  All you need to do is take three photos capturing three things that have made you smile this week, pick up the badge and join the linky!

I am pretty sure everyone this week has been smiling about this gorgeous weather, but a photo to capture it? I have gone for one of my gorgeous little man on the beach yesterday.  We had a lovely hour down there in the afternoon and then went for a sneaky ice cream at our favourite fancy ice cream parlour!

baby at the beach, platypus clothing, me and i clothing,

I posted last week about
our moment of history and it was definitely one of the things that made me smile this week.  Getting to hold the olympic torch was a great experience and we had a wonderful morning watching the procession

olympic flame, olympic torch

And last but not least was watching the carnival on Sunday.  I remember the weight of the bag of pennies I held in anticipation as a child, the sound of the ice cream vans selling their goodies and the smells of the sea by which we stood waiting for the colour and excitement.  Dylan experienced his first carnival yesterday and the noise and colour made his little toes wiggle in excitement.  I love how every experience becomes more magical with a child as you see it from a whole new perspective so here is a carnival picture.

marching band, Ramsgate carnival,

So there are my three smiles, what are yours?

You make me smile


  1. Awww, you've picked lovely things this week. Definitely all worthy of big smiles. X

  2. Thank you so much for your message RE: paddling pool.
    I will have to join in with this linky.
    Liska x

  3. Gorgeous photos, love the one on the beach (is that a me&i top I see?!)

    1. It is indeed a me&i romper - we love them!

  4. I have linked up. I hope you don't mind the subject matter but I spotted them this morning and they DID make me smile.
    RE: your stats comment, my blog has been going since 2009, so it's about time I started growing it :-)
    Liska x

    1. Thanks for linking up and a lovely post- brilliant theme. x

  5. Got to love a cheeky ice cream x

  6. Lovely reasons to smile. The summer, sun and beach always make me cheerful. We would've loved to have seen the torch but it clashed with work boo! x

  7. Oh bless him, I bet the carnival loved him too! x


I love comments, so please let me know what you think!