Thursday 31 May 2012

Celebrating the Jubilee

Whether you are a royalist or not, you can't deny that the Jubilee is bringing the country together in a unique way.  I mean when else are street parties not only accceptable but commonplace?  Every commercial company seems to have cottoned on and it is not only your biscuit tins that are patriotic - suddenly everything from smoothies to Marmite (ma'mite) is covered in red, white and blue.

The local breast feeding support groups organised a picnic, (open to everyone no matter what your feeding choices).  Luckily the weather gods were being kind and the afternoon was beautifully warm.  The chosen park had enough trees to provide shelter for those blonde of hair and pale of skin, and enough open space for the sun worshippers.  In a show of community spirit, we had a shared picnic, with everyone bringing something along, and both parents and babies alike loved it.

Jubilee picnic

me and i, jubilee
Showing off his London Bus nappy
baby at the park
Playing with everything he found

The Jubilee celebrations appear to have worn us both out, as I was asleep before the little dude tonight! The great British sunshine has left it's marks on my back and shoulders, and Dylan's immune system has been tested as he searched for crumbs in the grass.  Most importantly, the diamond jubilee bought us together with friends old and new with the excuse it created for communal events and cake.

I thought I would share some of the fab Jubilee products we are loving;

London Bus T-shirt, marks and spencers
M&S T-shirt
pg tips, jubilee edition
PG Tips Jubilee edition
fondant fancies, jubilee cakes
Fondant Fancies in red, white and blue

tots bots easyfit, jubilee edition
Tots Bots London Easyfit

jubilee edition biscuits, cadburys
Good old Cadbury

The entire country has been taken over by union jacks and like it or not, they look set to stay for the summer.  For once what is 'politically correct' is irrelevant, and people are proud to be British.  We are looking forward to next week's bank holidays and even more jubilee fun.


  1. I am excited about the jubilee long weekend- we are off to a street party on the monday. If it doesn't rain! x

    1. Hope it went well, we had rain all afternoon here :/

  2. Love that nappy. Also love that the weather was warm enough to show it off!

    1. I love it too! thanks for commenting

  3. What a cool nappy! I didn't celebrate the Jubilee but it did look lots of fun from the outside - and I'd not pass up a fondant fancy ever!

    1. I would offer to share fondant fancies but. . .well. . . I ate them all :)

  4. We ended up being out of the country over the actual jubliee but I have been loving looking at everyones photos and I am loving the wash of red, white and blue everywhere. Definitely feeling proud to be British right now!


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