Wednesday 16 May 2012

50% Mum, 50% Dad?

So we all know that technically babies are made up of half of the mother's genes and half of the father's, but sometimes it is very hard to tell.  Since Dylan was born, we have constantly been told that he is the spitting image of his dad, and I see what they mean- they definitely have a lot in common.  It is only recently that people can see elements of me in him.

From his Dad

His hair- He was born with plenty of hair round the back of his head, and very little on top, much like his father has now.  Popular opinion says that you end up with the hair you are born with, so bald babes end up as bald old men, or wispy old ladies whilst the hairy babes are those old women with plaits down their back.   I am not sure exactly what truth is in this, but I am thinking that the baby will end up going bald from the centre out, much like the bloke.

father and son, newborn baby boy, sleeping baby and daddy
Dylan at 5 days old with his Daddy

His figure- The term most often used to describe the little dude's figure is solid.  He is not particularly fat, (although his thighs are about the same size as mine), he is just big.  Built like a rugby player - solid.  The bloke also sports this figure.  Broad on the shoulders, slightly large in the belly and tall.  I don't think Dylan will ever be classed as small!

The noise- Like father, like son and this is especially true when it comes to their volume control.  The baby has taken to shouting, not for any particular reason other than that he can.  He terrifies the other babies with an impromptu roar every now and again, and even though he is quite clearly happy, it is usually met with his playmates tears.  I think that males should all come with a volume dial for occasions like this.

His Appetitie-  Ok, so technically this could come under either of us, as we are a family who love their food.  The bloke and I can easily polish off a meal for six, and it looks like the baby will follow in our footsteps as we are yet to find a food that he will not eat.

From his Mum

His eyes- Poor boy appears to have inherited my eyes.  Bright blue and rather large, he does have beautiful eyes, I just worry that he will have the same eye problems I do.  Luckily we can already see that his are not as bad as mine were at that age, but I think it is inevitable that he will need glasses at some stage.  Even so, it is nice to see he has inherited something from me!

His nosiness- I love to know what is going on, I hate the thought of missing out on things, and am the worst person to go for lunch with, as I have to watch everyone who comes in the door.  Dylan appears to have inherited this need to see and touch everything, and won't ever sit still as there are too many things to look at, touch and taste.

A love of sleep-  I don't sleep because I need to, I sleep because I love it.  I spend all day looking forward to getting cosy and falling asleep that night.  After a shaky start in relation to night times and what they are for, Dylan has finally understood and sleeps a good 14 hours at night, not getting up until somewhere between 8 and 10am.  Thank goodness!  I don't do mornings, and evidentially nor does he.

mother and son, baby in prague, baby on holiday,
Dylan and I on holiday in January

I heard somewhere that babies are born looking more like their daddies, as it is nature's way of making the father stick around.  They see a smaller version of themselves and feel a powerful urge to protect the little creature.  As the child grows, the mother's input becomes more evident, as father and baby have already formed a bond.  I don't know if there is general truth in this, but it certainly fits our situation as it is only at 9 months that people have started commenting that they can see a little of me in him.

Who do your children look like, their mother or their father?  (And is this a good thing or a bad thing??)


  1. I have two girls, and everyone tells me that the older one looks like my husband and the younger one like me!

    I love that Dylan sleeps 14 hours a night. WOW! My younger one is a pretty good sleeper, but my 6 year old has unfortunately followed in my footsteps and is pretty much incapable of sleeping past 6am. On the bright side, we have some nice times together in the early morning, just the two of us :)

    1. I love that Dylan sleeps 14 hours at night too! At least you are both morning people, must make it more bearable x

  2. Most people seem to say that our littl'un looks like me at the moment, but I see plenty of Mrs L in him too. Especially his expressions, which are brilliant!

    1. You'll have to let me know how things change over the next 9 months!

  3. My sons both get told they look just like their Daddy.
    Brodie, unfortunately has eyes just like my Dad and subsequently wears glasses because he's short-sighted (something he may grow out of).
    Blake has my temper. His tantrums are legendary (as are mine).
    I just hope as they get older they have my sense of humour (I love Mr G but you have to explain a joke to him 3 times before he gets it) and my music tastes (please God don't make them Celine Dion fans like their Dad!)

    1. We have very similar music taste and have already caught Dylan air guitarring to Aerosmith so hopefully he has inherited this of one of us!

  4. Mads definitely has my love of sleep and my big eyes. She has her laid back ness from her Daddy and his hair! Great post lovely.

    1. Thanks, sounds like she got all the best features!

  5. My daughter was the spitting of me as a newborn when she was born but she quickly began to look more like her father. Now at 11 months she's starting to look like me again. It'll be interesting to see how she ends up. Cute post.

    1. Hopefully she will keep the best parts of both of you. It is lovely to watch them change and develop though

  6. Anyone who knows his Dada says Oscar looks just like him, but people who haven't met him say he looks just like me - good thing we're both good looking lol! He's inherited terrible mouth ulcers from his dad, and eczema from me - poor little thing :o(

    1. He must look like both of you then, (which makes sense) I worry Dylan has got my eyesight, I would hate to pass that on

  7. What a lovely post! Hope you are well. I realised that you weren't showing up in my RSS so subscribed again but you're still not there. :0( Might be because I'm on iPad, will try again tomorrow on the laptop. x


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