Tuesday 13 December 2016

A Little Winter Sunshine

The ordinary moments are often the most precious, the everyday things are worth remembering and recording and that is exactly what this blog post is - little moments from an ordinary day.   The park is a big part of our life, we go there to blow off steam, to learn new skills, to be close to nature, to climb and swing, to picnic, to meet friends and to breathe some fresh air into a lazy December weekend.

The weather was mild at the weekend and the boys were restless so we popped down to the park after lunch (Finn is on nap strike) to run around.  The sun sets so early that we knew we didn't have long, but there was long enough to play and they love the freedom to explore.

The big two boys don't seem to notice I am there, they become wrapped up in their own little world, playing make believe, racing, driving the pirate ship and escaping from sharks.  They get on so well, and with the freedom and space of the park there are fewer reasons to squabble.  Finn doesn't like to be confined in any way so he goes in and out of the park gates asserting his independence but staying close.  We took his little Toddlebike and he mostly zoomed around shouting 'bike'.

The biggest two boys had these Little Bird gilets when they were small and I have been buying other sizes when they comes up on selling sites as they are perfect for brightening up a cold day and for keeping an eye on them in a crowd (Cora has one too but she wasn't wearing it here). 

And of course Cora came with us, she started off in the sling, but I popped her in the buggy so that I could run around with the boys a bit easier and she could watch on.  She loves being outside and she looked pretty snuggly wrapped up in the footmuff.  

I hope these babies of mine always love to run and climb and explore, that the park continues to capture their imagination (and wear them out) and that they look back on these photos remembering the fun they had on a warmer than usual December Sunday.

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